
Collection of quantity news, found 583 news.

President Jokowi to familiarize public with PPPh policy for MSMEs

President Joko Widodo will disseminate information on a policy in which the Final Income Tax (PPh) for Micro, Small, ...

Jokowi wants farmers to control marketing network of their product

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants Indonesian farmers to control the marketing network of their product, in order to ...

RI taking steps to prevent haze during Asian Games

Indonesia, which will host the 18th Asian Games, has since recently been making efforts to prevent forest fires, in ...

Traffic accidents during Lebaran drop 30 percent

The number of traffic accidents usually increases sharply during Eid Al-Ftri or Lebaran season, as millions of people ...

China imports NTT`s skipjack tuna to test local market

China imported 20 kilogram (kg) skipjack tuna (cakalang) from East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to test the interest of its ...

less victims of Ied al-Fitr related traffic accidents

Police said there were 1,154 traffic accidents all over the country related to Ramadan and Ied al-Fitr from June 7 to ...

UI among world`s top 300 universities

The University of Indonesia (UI) is ranked 292 in the world along with two other universities -- the National ...

BPBD of South Sumatra disperses salt to prevent forest fires

South Sumatra`s Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) is conducting weather modification by dispersing one ton of ...

IBIN introduced into billion dollar blockchain market by Hybrid Stock Exchange

- Hybrid Stock Exchange, a blockchain based trading platform using the released IBIN as a blockshare identifier, are ...

Indonesia becomes priority country for handling maternal mortality: USAID

Indonesia is among the priority countries for handling maternal and infant deaths during childbirth, the United States ...

Malaysia, Singapore to participate in Indonesian Jengkol Festival

Several national and foreign small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will participate in the Indonesian Jengkol Festival ...

indonesia intensifies war on rampant smuggling of drugs

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that Indonesia is one of the countries victimized by illegal drug ...

Smuggling of drugs has reached alarming level: House speaker

Attempts to smuggle large quantities of drugs repeatedly into the country had reached an unprecedented level, House ...

President asks governors to not issue new regulations

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on governors and regional legislative assemblies (DPRDs) to not issue bylaws ...

Government asks Bulog to intensify rice market operations

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Darmin Nasution has asked the National Logistics Agency (Bulog) to ...