
Collection of quantity news, found 583 news.

Bulog ready to develop post-harvest infrastructure

State-owned logistics board (Bulog) is ready to invest to develop post-harvest infrastructure this year in a bid to ...

Government increases import quota for raw sugar

The government has increased the import quota of raw sugar by 400,000 tons to meet domestic consumption following ...

Bulog to buy rice from farmers in C. Sulawesi

The Central Sulawesi branch of the State Logistics Agency (Bulog) will buy some 35,000 tons of rice from the local ...

EARTH WIRE - Addressing crimes against wild plants and animals

Crimes against wild animals and plants need serious attention, as many plants and animals face the threat of ...

Bali keen to intensify cooperation with Osaki

The Bali provincial government is keen to enhance cooperation with the government of Osaki City, Japan, to develop the ...

University of Indonesia best in int`l publication

The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education declares the University of Indonesia (UI) as a higher ...

For Chinese officials, Trump perhaps better the devil they don`t know

In 2010, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provoked outrage in Beijing when she pushed the South China Sea to ...

West Kalimantan police foil attempt to smuggle meth from Malaysia

The Sambas Police in West Kalimantan Province have foiled an attempt to smuggle 6.46 kilograms of crystal ...

Indonesian government focuses on building creative economy ecosystem

The Indonesian government is focused on the creative economy ecosystem in Indonesia. Through it, says Triawan Munaf, ...

Dried tuna remains in high demand in Japan, US

Japan and the United States (US) have been importing increased quantities of dried tuna from North Sulawesi Province ...

public awareness of wildlife protection

Every effort must be made to raise public awareness of wildlife protection after many large mammals such as Sumatran ...

Fish liver best indicator of aquatic pollution: Study

A study shows that a certain enzyme produced by fish liver can be an indicator of aquatic contamination, a professor ...

Indonesia to promote its flowers, fruits at international festival

Indonesia will promote its typical fruits and flowers at the International Nusantara Fruits and Flowers Festival in ...

New collection of black and white photographic prints from a currently unnamed modernist photographer from the 1920’s now available at TheLostNegatives.com

- The panorama of the American West, idyllic in its powerful, stark beauty, is revealed in a rare collection of ...

Fuel oil consumption expected to increase 10% during holidays

Fuel oil consumption is expected to increase by some 10 percent due to the long weekend falling on May 5-8. Vice ...