#radiation leak

Collection of radiation leak news, found 7 news.

Most Indonesians agree to have nuclear power plant : Survey

A latest survey shows that the majority of Indonesians agree with plan to develop nuclear energy to better guarantee ...

Survey to build nuclear power plant continues

The National Nuclear Energy Board (BATAN) said it has continued to hold surveys of possible location for a nuclear ...

Japan advisor says nuclear threat receding: Report

The Japanese prime minister`s special advisor on the nuclear crisis says the immediate risk of a major radiation leak ...

Nuke radiation test for Indonesians arriving from Japan

Health Minister Endang R Sedyaningsih said all Indonesians who have returned home from Japan would be examined to ...

Germany moves embassy away from Tokyo

Germany said Thursday it would temporarily 
move its embassy from Tokyo to Osaka as a "preventative measure" as ...

Radiation fears spark panic buying, evacuations in Tokyo

Panic swept Tokyo on Tuesday after a rise in radioactive levels around an earthquake-hit nuclear power plant north of ...

215,000 in shelters after Japan quake

More than 215,000 people were in emergency shelters in eastern and northern Japan on Saturday, a day after a massive ...