
Collection of ran news, found 813 news.

News Focus

Cementing Indonesia's national unity after elections

Indonesia has convened its parliamentary and presidential elections peacefully, though the General Elections Commission ...

House Speaker urges KPU to evaluate the 2019 election abroad

Speaker of the House of Representatives Bambang Soesatyo urged the General Elections Commission (KPU) to evaluate the ...

Lengthy electoral process led to voters being turned away: Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said the complicated electoral process and increased enthusiasm among Indonesians living ...

KPK, KPU announce presidential, vice presidential candidates' wealth

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the General Election Commission (KPU) have announced reports indicating ...

Two drug smugglers arrested and deported from Malaysia

Two persons identified as Samsul Bahti and Maman Nurmansyah were arrested and deported from Malaysia for allegedly ...

Two Indonesian Navy personnel killed by commuter train in Pasar Minggu

Two Indonesian Navy personnel were killed after the Electric Rail (KRL) Commuter Line ran over them at the Poltangan ...

News Focus

100-odd warrior force lends helping hand to build temporary shelters

The central and  Banten provincial governments are backing the Pandeglang district government, through ...

Kalla believes this year's election will be safe

Vice President Jusuf Kalla believed that the 2019 Election can run safely, despite the attack by suspected terrorist ...

President clarifies sharing sound ties with Anies Baswedan

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) brushed aside allegations of any friction in his relations with Jakarta Governor Anies ...

IHSG opens higher on optimism over us-china trade negotiations

The Jakarta composite index (IHSG) closed higher on Wednesday on investors` optimism over the US-China trade ...

Egyptian man deported from Pekanbaru

An Egyptian citizen named Tarek Ashour Mostafa Abdelaty was transported on Friday from Pekanbaru in Riau Province to ...

320 children take refuge in Jayawijaya due to firefights in Nduga

Some 320 children from Nduga district in Papua province have fled to the neighboring Jayawijaya district along with ...

Two detained Malaysia-flagged boats run aground in Aceh

Two Malaysia-flagged wooden boats with nine Thai crew members aboard were detained by the Indonesian authorities for ...

Owner of Ocean Princess to compensate for polluting NTT waters

PT Ocean Tanker, owner of Ocean Princess tanker that ran aground in Alor Sea, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), December 12, ...

Kapuas Hulu team finds 12 bodies of sunken boat victims

The search and rescue (SAR) team found bodies of 12 victims of a boat that sunk in Kapuas River, Kapuas Hulu District, ...