
Collection of refuge news, found 699 news.

South Kalimantan: Floods force 112,709 people to flee home

Floods that have inundated several parts of South Kalimantan province in the past few days have claimed five lives and ...

Air Force aircraft deployed to assist Majene's quake-affected victims

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) has deployed several aircraft to help people affected by a 6.2-magnitude earthquake ...

BNPB chief departs to visit quake-impacted areas in West Sulawesi

National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Chief Doni Monardo and Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini departed from ...

Strong earthquake in West Sulawesi kills three, injures 24: BNPB

At least three people died while 24 others suffered injuries in a 6.2-magnitude earthquake ensued by several ...

Public advised caution as Mount Merapi ejects hot clouds

Mount Merapi released hot clouds rising nearly 200 meters above the crater, the second time on Thursday, the Geological ...

Nearly 3,143 flood victims in South Sulawesi still take refugee

Some 3,143 residents have taken refuge at various mosques and their relatives' houses, as floods swamped several ...

Homes and bridges wrecked, one dead in East Aceh floods

Floods submerging several sub-districts since Dec 4 claimed one life while caused severe damage to four bridges and 16 ...

313 flood victims take refuge in N Sumatra's Deli Serdang

As many as 313 flood victims from Tanjung Selamat village, Sunggal sub-district, Deli Serdang district, North Sumatra, ...

BNPB urges villagers residing near Mt Semeru to exercise vigil

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has urged people residing in several hamlets around the Mount Semeru ...

Mount Ili Lewotolok evacuees direly need face masks: Lembata official

Evacuees of the Mount Ili Lewotolok eruption are in desperate need of face masks amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, ...

550 residents seek refuge to safeguard from Mt Semeru's eruption

Some 550 residents on the slopes of Mount Semeru, Lumajang District, East Java, have taken refuge after the volcano ...

Residents start seeking refuge to avoid Mt Semeru's lava flows

Residents on the slope of Mount Semeru in Lumajang District, East Java, have begun taking refuge to steer clear from ...

TNI to launch manhunt for perpetrators behind killing in Sigi

The Indonesian Military (TNI) Headquarters will deploy a special force to conduct an organized and intensive hunt for ...

Mt Lewotolok eruption showered ash, gravels on Lembata District

Mount Ili Lewotolok eruption in Lembata District, East Nusa Tenggara has showered ash and gravels on some parts of the ...

Assembly Deputy Speaker condemns killings in Sigi, C Sulawesi

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), Lestari Moerdijat, condemned the attack on ...