#regional administration

Collection of regional administration news, found 263 news.

3,250 joint personnel deployed to secure President Jokowi`s Aceh visit

Some 3,250 joint personnel of the Indonesian Military (TNI) and the National Police have been deployed to secure ...

PDIP congress to have positive impact on government

The upcoming fourth national congress of the ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) is expected to have ...

PDIP congress expected to mend relations between Megawati and Jokowi

A political observer said the national congress of the ruling party PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) to be held in Bali later ...

Mahakam block performance feared to drop in period of transition

The National Energy Council (DEN) warns against a sharp fall in gas production from the Mahakam block during the ...

Pertamina given full control of Mahakam block

The government finally decided to hand over full control of the Mahakam gas block to state oil and gas company PT ...

President has signed laws on regional head elections: Minister

President Joko Widodo has signed the laws on the election of provincial governors, district heads and city mayors, ...

Pertamina to take over operation of Mahakam gas field

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said said state oil and gas company PT Pertamina will take over ...

House passes government regulation on regional elections into law

The House of Representatives (DPR) in a plenary session here on Tuesday passed by acclamation the government ...

Indonesian govt boosts deployment in Poso to hunt terror suspects

Following the central governments directive to crush "Islamic State members" in Indonesia, hundreds of military and ...

Central Sulawesi police chief offers holding dialog with armed group

Central Sulawesi Police Chief Brigadier General Idham Azis affirmed his readiness to hold a dialog with the members of ...

Indonesia set to become world`s largest cocoa producer

Indonesia is set to become the worlds largest cocoa producer in 2020 relegating the Ivory Coast currently the largest ...

Police personnel deployed at scene of explosion in Bangkalan

A platoon of 30 policemen were deployed at the residence of the Bangkalan district legislative council speaker Fuad ...

N. Sulawesi exports CCO to Malaysia and the United States

North Sulawesi exported crude coconut oil (CCO) to Malaysia and the United States last month, the regional Industry ...

Millions of hectares of forest in Indonesia damaged

The National Environment Association reported that at least 57 million hectares of forest in Indonesia up to 2013 have ...

Cileunyi-Tasikmalaya toll road project to cost Rp 4 trillion

Construction of the 70-kilometer Cileunyi-Tasikmalaya toll road in southern West Java will cost around Rp4 trillion, ...