Indonesian President's Special Envoy to the Middle East and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Alwi Shihab ...
The Public Prosecutor (JPU) has rejected the request of the defendant to place Ratna Sarumpaet under house arrest. ...
The Public Prosecutor rejected all objections or exceptions filed by the attorney of defendant Habib Bahar bin Smith in ...
Lion Air Group has decided to postpone the delivery of four Boeing 737 Max 8 aircraft this year out of the 222 it has ...
Over 60 staunch supporters of the Joko Widodo (Jokowi.
The presence of palm oil companies in West Kalimantan has brought no significant benefits to the locals, instead, its ...
Bali`s Chief Ombudsman Umar Ibnu Alkhatab said it does not necessarily reject tourists from any countries including ...
The imposition of plastic excise tariffs is not yet urgent, as the most important aspect is to educate the public over ...
The Palestinian issue has emerged as a major concern amid rising competition between the camps of the Joko ...
Batam City Administration has rejected an investor plan to import plastic waste, which would be processed into plastic ...
Twenty three suspects of a church bombing in Surabaya have been moved from East Java city to the National Police ...
Indonesia would not ask for international aid to cope with the devastating impact of Friday`s earthquake and tsunami ...
The proliferation of fake news, hate speech, and slander has obviously become a serious problem prior to next year`s ...
Women`s empowerment that starts from the community can be a key factor to overcome radicalism and terrorism, because ...
Sago has been a staple food in numerous parts of Indonesia for centuries, and for its importance, sago is also known ...