#religious activities

Collection of religious activities news, found 117 news.

Bali Governor issues instruction to intensify prevention of COVID-19

Bali Governor Wayan Koster issued Gubernatorial Instruction No. 8551 of 2020 on strengthening prevention and management ...

Jokowi orders health minister to finalize rules on social distancing

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) instructed Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto to promptly finalize a ministerial ...

President to evaluate mass religious events amid COVID-19 outbreak

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed that government will shortly assess any religious events involving masses or ...

'Bhinneka Tunggal Ika' in Jakarta's Dharma Bakti Temple

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity), Indonesia's national motto, came to life and became more than a slogan ...

News Focus

Concrete results awaited from Padang Mayor Hamyeldi during second term

On May 13, 2019, Mahyeldi was installed for the second time as mayor of Padang City, the capital of West Sumatra, for ...

Government extends LinkAja digital payments to sharia businesses

The government, through the National Islamic Finance Committee (KNKS), expanded the scope of the consolidated ...

News focus - Neno Warisman`s new role in Indonesian politics by Rahmad Nasution

Neno Warisman is an ordinary citizen, who is now getting a significant position in Indonesia`s political life. Her ...

Tanah Datar offers several religious tourist attractions

The Tanah Datar district government, West Sumatra Province, has offered several religious tourist destinations to ...

Indonesia conducts diplomatic efforts to liberate Al Aqsa

Indonesia is conducting diplomatic efforts that can be mobilized to liberate the Al Aqsa Mosque compound from Israeli ...

Indonesia calls to protect freedom of worship at Al Aqsa

Indonesia, during the UN Security Council open debate in New York, on Tuesday, has called on the international society ...

Indonesia condemns shooting of Al-Aqsa Mosque`s imam

The Government of Indonesia has condemned the shooting of Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, imam of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in ...

16 Indonesian citizens not involved with ISIS: Police chief

Indonesian National Police Chief General Tito Karnavian confirmed that 16 Indonesian citizens who had been repatriated ...

Houses of worship of six religious communities built in Kupang

The district administration of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), is building houses of worship for six religious ...

ISIS atrocities uncovered in Palmyra

Palmyra, also known as Tadmur in Arabic, is one of the famous historical attractions in Syria. It is surrounded by the ...

Indonesia has largest number of Islamic Education Institutes

Indonesia is unique with regard to Islamic educational institutes and has the largest number of them as compared to ...