#religious groups

Collection of religious groups news, found 67 news.

Blasphemy laws jeopardize freedom: US ambassador

US Ambassador to Indonesia, Joseph Donovan Jr Ambassador, has stated that blasphemy laws was jeopardizing the freedom ...

Military commander calls on people to promote tolerance

Indonesian Military Commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo has called on people to maintain harmony and promote tolerance. ...

VP Kalla calls for religious tolerance

Indonesian Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla has urged the public to build harmony and promote tolerance while observing ...

UNAOC And BMW Group Announce Intercultural Innovation Winners

- The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group announced the ranking of the 11 finalists of ...

Indonesian religious figures call for fair competition

Various religious groups from the Indonesia Inter-Religious Council (IRC) have called on rival camps to compete fairly ...

Indonesia`s next president must prioritize human rights: Amnesty

Indonesias next leader must urgently tackle the ongoing human rights violations and repeal repressive and ...

Terror suspects should be arrested alive

Polices anti-terrorism unit Special Detachment (Densus) 88 should arrest terror suspects instead of fatally shooting ...

Indonesia promotes and enhances interfaith dialogues

University of California-Berkeley has been an important center for Indonesian Studies and the home to respected ...

US ambassador discusses freedom with religious leaders

US Ambassador Scot Marciel has hosted leaders from several Ahmadiyah and Christian congregations across West Java to ...

An Open Letter to President Obama and President Thein Sein

- On the eve of a meeting between United States President Barack Obama and Myanmar President U Thein Sein, five women ...

Rohingya issue will not disturb interfaith harmony

Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Chairman Amidhan has assured that the problems facing Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar will ...

Indonesian interfaith leaders stand up for Rohingya muslims

Indonesian interfaith leaders will meet to discuss the serious problems faced by Rohingya Muslims in Arakan, Myanmar, ...

CCI tells Merkel about radicalism in Indonesia

The Indonesian Churches Communion (CCI) discussed with German Chancellor Angela Dorothea Merkel, during her visit to ...

Muslims in France worry about rising bias in wake of Toulouse shootings

Although the Toulouse scooter-riding shootings ended with the al-Qaeda-inspired gunman being killed, to Muslims in ...

Religion should not be used for political interest

Rector of Syarief Hidayatullah National Islamic University Jakarta Prof Komaruddin Hidayat has said religion should ...