
Collection of resignation news, found 429 news.

Golkar to revoke membership of cadres in Nasdem

The Golkar Party will immediately revoke the membership of its cadres known to have joined the National Demokrat ...

Tedjo Edhy replaces Sultan HB X

Former navy chief of staff retired admiral Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno replaced Sultan Hamengku Buwono (HB) X as the ...

Yogyakarta Sultan quits Nasdem position

The chairman of the advisory board of the National Democrat (Nasdem) movement, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, said he ...

Libyan rebels reject AU peace plan

Libyan rebels rejected Sunday an African Union (AU) peace plan to end the ongoing conflicts in the North African ...

Nepal pm agrees to step down: party leader

Nepal`s prime minister has agreed to step down after less than four months in office to secure opposition support for ...

IMF chief Strauss-kahn steps down amid sex charges

International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn announced his resignation on Thursday following allegations ...

ANTARA expected to carry stories supporting Syrian govt

Indonesian national news agency ANTARA is expected to produce reports on the situation in Syria that support the ...

ANTARA expected to carry stories supporting Syrian govt

Indonesian national news agency ANTARA is expected to produce reports on the situation in Syria that support the ...

Egypt`s Mubarak hands over all assets to state

Egyptian ex- President Hosni Mubarak has turned over all his assets to the government in an attempt to avoid jail, the ...

Yemeni President meets GCC chief over power-transition standoff

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh met on Monday with visiting Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary-General ...

Ministry disallows Merpati airline`s vice president to resign

The Ministry of State Enterprises (BUMN) has rejected a resignation request from the vice president of state-owned ...

Merpati president director ready to resign

President Director of PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines, Sardjono Jhony Tjitrokusumo said he was ready to resign if it is ...

Hamas leader says administration ready to quit for unity

Hamas leader in power of the Gaza Strip said on Saturday that the movement`s government is ready to resign as part of ...

US urges Yemeni leader to start transfer of power

The United States on Saturday urged Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to immediately begin the process to ensure a ...

Two Syrian MPs, top cleric quit over bloodshed

Two Syrian MPs from the protest hub city of Daraa and its top cleric on Saturday told Al-Jazeera television they ...