
Collection of respiratory news, found 560 news.

Task force emphasizes continued public compliance to health protocols

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has reminded people to comply with health protocols amid the rise in the number of ...

Governmental focus on healthcare system crucial in fighting Omicron

House of Representatives' Commission IX deputy head Charles Honoris urged the government to prioritize improving ...

Flurona not new COVID-19 variant: IDI

Flurona does not refer to a new COVID-19 variant but the occurrence of multiple infections caused by two different ...

Jakarta maintains health protocol in mass transit against Omicron

The Jakarta Health Office intends to maintain the new habits and health protocols, especially in means of public ...

Delayed access to healthcare behind high maternal death rate: BKKBN

Delayed access to health facilities is the reason behind the high maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia, head of ...

Most national deaths caused by non-transmissible diseases: Ministry

The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture stated that non-transmissible diseases were causal to most ...

Myriad health problems arising from exposure to volcanic eruption

On Saturday, Dec 4, at 3:20 p.m. local time, Mount Semeru erupted magma from the earth's bowels, with searing ...

Smoking caused chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 9.2 mln people

The Health Ministry has informed that the habit of smoking among several Indonesians has resulted in 9.2 million ...

Walking helps improve lung health: pulmonologist

Many studies have shown that physical activities, such as walking daily, can help improve lung health, especially amid ...

The pandemic and the path to change

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought Indonesians to a two-way crossroad where they need to decide whether to stick with ...

Pneumonia vaccination to boost children's life expectancy in Indonesia

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that has protracted in Indonesia, pneumonia remains one of the diseases that may ...

Government should focus on handling increase in COVID-19 cases: MPR

Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Bambang Soesatyo called on the government to focus on handling ...

Pertamina collaborates with community to achieve sustainability

Indonesian energy company PT Pertamina (Persero) echoed its commitment to achieving environmental sustainability ...

Hair loss up to six months after surviving COVID-19: expert

Hair loss can be experienced three to six months after a person has recovered from COVID-19, according to Dr Alexandra ...

BPJS to cover treatment costs for long COVID-19 sufferers: PDPI

The Indonesian Pulmonologist Association (PDPI) strives to treat patients ailing from long COVID-19 to be covered by ...