
Collection of retired news, found 596 news.

Palembang to host int`l takraw championship in 2012

Palembang will host a world sepak takraw tournament on February 16-19, 2012, according to an ISTAF (International ...

Sri Lanka war probe calls for new inquiry: reports

A Sri Lankan government probe into the civil war against Tamil rebels has called for further investigations of alleged ...

Army gets rp14 tln budget allocations to buy main armament system

The Indonesian Army (TNI AD) will receive budget allocations of Rp14 trillion from the government to procure main ...

Myanmar sees tentative changes one year after vote

One year on from an election condemned by the West as a farce, military-dominated Myanmar has surprised critics with a ...

Cambodia celebrates 20th anniversary of ex-king`s return

Cambodia on Sunday celebrated the 20th anniversary of ailing former retired King Norodom Sihanouk`s return from exile ...

U.S. to pull out troops from Iraq by end-2011

U.S. President Barack Obama said all American troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year, ending a long war which ...

New intelligence chief asked to improve coordination

Chief Security Minister Djoko Suyanto has asked the newly-installed State Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Lt Gen ...

President, ministers discuss preparations for thai premier`s visit

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at his office here on Friday chaired an internal meeting to discuss preparations ...

Prabowo visits seniors on Idul Fitri

Retired lieutenant general Prabowo Subiantoro, a former vice presidential candidate, visited some of his seniors to ...

60 yacths enter Wakatobi at conclusion of SWB

Up to the conclusion of Sail Wakatobi Belitong (SWB) 2011 in Wakatobi on Monday, 60 rally participants moored in ...

President welcomes letter from 29 figures

Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam said President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono had not yet received the letter reportedly written ...

US expands role in Mexico`s drug war

The United States is sending new CIA operatives and retired military personnel to Mexico and may deploy private ...

Human rights groups shun British torture inquiry

Human rights organisations and lawyers have announced that they will boycott the inquiry into the UK`s alleged role ...

Australian sues over forgotten surgical sponge

An Australian woman who lived for more than 15 years with a grapefruit-sized surgical sponge sewn inside her after ...

President Wishes to Become Futurologist

- President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said he was interested to become a futurologist after his retirement. When ...