
Collection of revenues news, found 1.395 news.

VP hopes deliberation of tax amnesty bill in next session

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has expressed the hope that the tax amnesty bill could be deliberated in the next session ...

Verizon 5G trials driving ecosystem towards rapid commercialization

- Verizon and the world's leading technology companies are working to make 5G a reality. Field tests are underway with ...

Microsoft and Acer expand partnership to bring Microsoft services to more customers on more devices

- Microsoft Corp. and Acer Inc. announced on Wednesday the expansion of their global partnership to bring ...

Rupiah closes stronger by 214 points to Rp13,397 on Wednesday

The Indonesian rupiah closed stronger at Rp13,397 per dollar in the Jakarta inter-bank spot market on Wednesday ...

Taisys' WuKong Console to revolutionize MNO-OTT relations

- Taisys Technologies delivers WuKong Console, a first-ever platform for managed OTT services, to promote ...

Economic effect of Syrian war at $35 billion

The devastating economic impact of the war in Syria and its spillover into nearby countries stands at $35 billion and ...

Synchronoss expands enterprise offering to deliver next-generation identity management

- Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNCR), today announced it will expand its enterprise offerings ...

President requests adjustment in forest industry`s development strategy

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has requested the assessment and adjustment of the industrial forest development ...

Global study shows increasing security risks to payment data and lack of confidence in securing mobile payment methods

With acceptance of mobile and other new forms of payments expected to double in the next two years, a new global study ...

Government to propose draft law on tax amnesty

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said the government will soon propose to the Parliament draft law on tax amnesty ...

Jakarta bomb threat not affecting stock market

Last weeks Jakarta bomb threat did not affect investors on the Indonesian stock market, as the Jakarta Composite Index ...

Richest 62 people own same as half world`s population: Oxfam

The wealthiest 62 people now own as much as half the worlds population, some 3.5 billion people, as the super-rich ...

Govt to focus on collecting taxes from individual taxpayers

The government will focus on collecting taxes from individual taxpayers this year as part of the efforts to meet the ...

BP Batam dissolution not to affect state-funded projects

The central government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have assigned more than Rp1 trillion in the state budget ...

Anti-graft body urged to handle large scale money laundering cases

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) should handle large scale money laundering cases instead of investigating ...