#rice production

Collection of rice production news, found 406 news.

RI govt earmarks Rp1 trillion for rice field expansion

The government has allocated Rp1 trillion in the state budget for the expansion of the country`s rice cultivation area ...

Govt earmarks Rp1 trillion for rice field expansion

The government has allocated Rp1 trillion in the state budget for the expansion of the country`s rice cultivation area ...

RI's govt to invest Rp9 trillion to create new rice fields

The government plans to invest Rp9 trillion to create new rice fields in East Kalimantan to increase production as of ...

Bulog to supply 4 mln tons of rice

State logistics board (Bulog) intends to supply 3.7 million to 4 million tons of rice next year. Of the total, ...

Thailand remains exporting rice to Indonesia

Thailand and Vietnam have signed a new agreement to export rice to Indonesia, Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan said in the ...

RI rice production to miss 2011 target : Deputy minister

Deputy Agriculture Minister Rusman Heriawan said the country`s rice production in 2011 is likely to reach only 66 ...

Maluku needs 122,000 tons of rice per year

Maluku province needs 122,000 tons of rice per year for its 1.5 million population with only 58,000 tons available, ...

Gorontalo aspires to become world-class corn producing region

Gorontalo is preparing itself to host a World Maize Conference (WMC) in 2012 which it sees as a forum that will bring ...

Rice imports not to harm farmers

Agriculture Minister Suswono said the rice imports the government was planning would not harm domestic farmers ...

Food insecurity still haunting Indonesia by otniel tamindael - (d)

Indonesia is still confronted by the challenge of food security for its 234 million population, the fourth largest in ...

Small farmers should be basis of food development

Smallholder`s agriculture and food estates must be synchronized with development of the country`s food resilience so ...

ASEAN plus three to intensify food security cooperation

Rice is an important factor in achieving food security in the Southeast Asian region as around two-thirds of world ...

RI govt targets 5-pct growth in annual rice production

The government is targeting an annual five percent growth in rice production to achieve a surplus of 10 million tons ...

RI potentially become rice exporter: farmers

The gvernment needs to be more selective in its policies on farm seeds in order to make Indonesia a world rice ...

Rice fields need better infrastructures

Indonesia needs to develop its dams and irrigation to overcome desolation during droughts so that the country`s 7.5 ...