
Collection of rio news, found 429 news.

Papua police urged to crack down on killers of two teachers

A legislator has appealed to the Papua police to crack down on armed Papuan criminals who had shot dead two teachers in ...

EIG signs $12.4 billion infrastructure deal with Aramco

EIG, a leading institutional investor to the global energy sector and one of the world’s leading infrastructure ...

Customs authorities foil attempt to smuggle 3 kg of crystal meth

Customs authorities in Entikong, West Kalimantan, bordering the Malaysian state of Serawak has foiled an attempt to ...

Jakarta police destroy several hundred kilos of drugs

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police on Wednesday destroyed several hundred kilograms of drugs seized in raids between ...

Abdul Kadir defends drug use

Popular Indonesian celebrity Abdul Kadir who was arrested for drug use recently has claimed that it was the first time ...

Police seize 570-kg drug consignment headed to Jakarta

Police in Mandailing Natal district, North Sumatra, prevented three drug couriers from transporting 570 kilograms of ...

Smugglers busted carrying 131 kilograms of crystal meth from Malaysia

Indonesia's imposition of severe punishment on drug lords and dealers apparently failed to deter two local ...

Police arrest young drug courier in North Jakarta

West Jakarta metropolitan police officers thwarted a 22-year-old drug courier's attempt to deliver a crystal ...

Police chief candidate must prioritize war on drugs: MP

National Police chief candidate Com.Gen.Listyo Sigit Prabowo must continue Indonesia's war on drugs by intensifying ...

Defense minister visits Austria to intensify bilateral cooperation

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto embarked on a visit to Vienna, Austria, to hold a meeting with his Austrian ...

RELX outlines at the GTNF role of technology in advancing vaping industry’s responsible practices

The company’s Global External Affairs Lead provided concrete examples of how RELX has been harnessing the power of ...

Prumo, bp and Siemens enter into partnership with SPIC on energy projects in Brazil

Prumo, a private Brazilian company controlled by EIG Global Energy Partners, bp and Siemens signed a binding agreement ...

News Focus

UNESCO tag for Toba Caldera to boost N Sumatra tourism

Located in North Sumatra province, Lake Toba is the largest volcanic lake on Earth. The ancient lake was formed ...

TV actor Ridho Ilahi faces drug offense charges: Jakarta police

Television actor Ridho Ilahi is charged with a drug offense after forensic laboratory testing confirmed that a drug ...

EIG raises $1.1 billion for Global Project Fund V

- EIG Global Energy Partners (EIG) announced today the successful final close of EIG Global Project Fund V (GPF V or ...