
Collection of river news, found 2.122 news.

Families must understand stunting indicators in children

The National Family Planning Population Agency (BKKBN) urged all parties in West Sumatra to gain an understanding of ...

Basarnas to add 74 speed boats reaching 36 knots

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) will add 74 speed boats that can travel at 36 knots to improve search ...

BRIN reveals increased microplastic concentration during pandemic

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) called for streamlining the management of single-use waste following ...

BRGM readies several funding schemes for mangrove rehabilitation

The National Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) has prepared several funding schemes to achieve the ...

Pertamina moves to handle fuel leak from Cilacap pipeline

State-run oil firm PT Pertamina is taking measures to handle a fuel leak reported at the Cilacap-Bandung (CB) 3 ...

Jakarta provincial hospitals rebranded as house of health

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan officiated the rebranding of regional general hospitals in Jakarta's five ...

Most floods recorded in week ended July 31: BNPB

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) recorded the most flooding events in one week in the period from July 25 ...

State Palace to openly commemorate Indonesia's 77th Independence Day

The State Palace will openly commemorate the 77th Indonesian Independence Day by inviting the public on August 17, ...

Jakarta to inventory sources of pollution in Kalibaru River

The Jakarta Environment Office will inventory sources of pollution arising from residential areas, offices, industries, ...

Feeling ’22: Mary Kay Inc. announces awards, milestones, and accomplishments from first half of the year

Mary Kay Inc. is feeling ’22. Throughout the first half of the year, the iconic global entrepreneurship company has ...

Gov't urged to investigate pollution in Cileungsi River

The Cileungsi Cikeas River Care Community (KP2C) has urged the government to conduct an investigation into the waste ...

News Feature

Miduana villagers' recipe for longevity: Living in harmony with nature

Hidden in the lush forest of Naringgul Sub-district, Cianjur, West Java, residents of Miduana customary village ...

Rescuers continue to search for Tarakan's missing resident

Rescue workers on Sunday continued to search for a resident who went missing while catching fish with a net at Rahayu ...

Pontianak holds Benua Melayu Laut arts, cultural festival

The Pontianak city government, West Kalimantan Province, has organized the Malay arts and cultural festival ...

The 5th Digital China Summit opened in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

- The 5th Digital China Summit opens in Fuzhou, Fujian province on July 23. It is jointly hosted by the Cyberspace ...