#road accident

Collection of road accident news, found 53 news.

Five people killed in road accident in Lamongan

Five people were killed when a Volvo sedan rammed into two motorbikes along a road in Pucangron village, Kalitengah ...

Eleven die after bus plunges into ravine

Eleven passengers were killed and 22 injured after a bus plunged into a ravine in Wado, Sumedang, West Java, on ...

26 killed, 57 injured in Haiti`s road accident

At least 26 people were killed and 57 injured in a road accident in the outskirts of Haiti `s capital Port-au-Prince, ...

At least 36 killed in Brazil road accident

At least 36 people were killed Saturday in a crash between a truck and bus carrying farm workers in Brazil`s ...

RI aims to reduce transportation accidents

The government is launching a program aimed at cutting down by half in the next ten years the number of transportation ...

Three car passengers burned to death in Surabaya

The number of fatalities  in the L-300 Van fire in Masangan village, Bungah sub-district, Gresik, East Java, on ...

22 Killed in Brazil road accident

A truck and a bus collided in the southern state of Santa Catarina Saturday, killing at least 22 people as Brazil ...

18 Cambodians killed in road accident in South West province

At least 18 Cambodians were killed and another seven seriously injured in a car crash in Cambodia`s southwest province ...