
Collection of sale news, found 1.167 news.

KPK auctions state spoils of Ahmad Fathanah, Heru Sulaksono

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will auction off state spoils in the case of Ahmad Fathanah and Heru ...

Saudi crown prince vows Aramco IPO by 2021, keeps to us$2 trillion

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman insisted the stalled plan to sell shares in oil giant Aramco will ...

Jokowi encourages PKK to develop export-oriented products

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has encouraged PKK cadres to develop their respective regional products to be ...

Three companies postpone IPO this year: Mandiri Sekuritas

Mandiri Sekuritas said that there were three companies that had postponed plans to conduct the initial public offering ...

Abu Dhabi's fund agreed friendly TOB with MINDOL

- Abu Dhabi Dubai STOB Series 22 Investment Limited Partnership ("AbuDhabi22" as follows) and MINDOL HOLDINGS LIMITED ...

indonesian embassy promotes Indonesian investment in Laos

The Indonesian Embassy in Vientiane held an investment forum to encourage Indonesian businessmen to invest in Laos, ...

AGO detains Pertamina ex-president director

The Attorney General Office (AGO) has detained former President Director of PT Pertamina (Persero) Karen Galaila ...

Pertamina prepares five locations for one-price fuel

State oil company PT Pertamina has prepared five locations for the sale of one price fuel oil in Maluku Province this ...

Yogyakarta to host international guppy festival

Yogyakarta City will host the 2018 Guppy International Festival on Nov 3-4 that is expected to be the biggest event of ...

Novanto submits power of attorney related to account again

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) informed convicted corruptor Setya Novanto, involved in the e-KTP project ...

Indonesia draws Singapore`s attention to maids sold online on Carousell

The Indonesian government has drawn the attention of its Singaporean counterpart over cases of Indonesian migrant ...

Investors not disturbed by decision on domestic oil sale priority

Deputy Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Minister Arcandra Tahar said the government`s decision to give priority to ...

Researchers to standardize herb medicinal properties

Researchers are studying the medicinal properties of medical plants to standardize their effectiveness based on ...

Heatwave causes 9-mln-euro damage to Lisbon vineyards

The early August heatwave caused 9-million-euro (10.51 million U.S. dollars) worth of damage to vineyards in the ...

Over 100 towns in Sri Lanka stop cigarette sales

Over 100 towns across Sri Lanka have boycotted the sale of cigarettes with an aim to discourage smoking and making Sri ...