
Collection of salt news, found 493 news.

Most of RI`s salt demand being met by imports

Most of Indonesia`s salt demand is being met by imports because domestic salt production reaches only 1.4 million ...

New minister to develop fishery industries

Marine Resources and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Sutardjo said he was committed to developing fishery industries ...

Dolkar disappointed about Fadel`s ouster

The Golkar Party is surprised and disappointed by the removal of its cadre, Fadel Muhammad, from his position as ...

Jakarta to host world Delta Summit

The first World Delta Summit will be organized here on November 21-24, 2011, according to Secretary of the ...

President asked to evaluate trade minister

Amid the cabinet reshuffle issue, a legislator has urged President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to evaluate the ...

Govt policy to stop salt imports right decision: Kiara

The People`s Coalition for Fishery Justice (Kiara) said the government`s policy to stop the importation of consumption ...

National need for salt reaches 3.4 millon tons

Four related ministries have agreed to set the national need for salt at 3.4 million tons, consisting of 1.6 million ...

PT Garam buys 10,000 tons of salt from farmers

State salt company PT Garam has bought 10,000 tons of salt from farmers in Sumenep, Pamekasan, and Sampang districts ...

Sri Lankan immigrants in despair, finally surrender

Some 88 Sri Lankan immigrants who had been living in despair aboard their boat, the MV Alicia, since July 10, 2011, ...

Starving Sri Lankan immigrants finally disembark from boat

After stubbornly refusing to disembark from the MV Alicia since July 10, 2011, 84 illegal Sri Lankan immigrants on ...

News Focus: RI can serve as world halal certification center

Indonesia, as the world`a largest Muslim country with a population of about 237.6 million, can serve as a world ...

West Sumatra`s imports up slightly in June

West Sumatra`s imports in June 2011 rose 0.24 percent to US$84.7 million from US$84.5 million in the previous ...

Formaldehyde-laced foods reemerge in Indonesian markets

Indonesian authorities have again discovered some foods with formalin (formaldehyde) being sold in markets in a ...

Formaldehyde-laced Foods Reemerge In Indonesian Markets

Indonesian authorities have again discovered some foods with formalin (formaldehyde) being sold in markets in a number ...

Some 11,800 tons of imported salt to be destroyed

A total of 11,800 tons of imported salt that failed to comply with import procedures will soon be destroyed, Maritime ...