As a country with a Muslim-majority population, Indonesia needs to catch up with other countries in sharia economic ...
Saudi Arabia's refusal to extradite the suspected killers of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is "very ...
Indonesian Minister of Religion, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, is currently in Saudi Arabia to discuss the importance of ...
President Joko Widodo stressed the importance of good personal relations among state leaders compared to formal and ...
No precise figure is available on the number of people, who had attended the 212 of Alumni Reunion held at National ...
Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said here on Wednesday that the relations between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia remained ...
Indonesia has called for the strengthening of multilateralism at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from ...
Three Saudi companies that have been loyal to Indonesian business partners have won Primaduta Award from the ...
Indonesia still has a good opportunity to increase palm oil exports to Saudi Arabia, as it currently supplies only 30 ...
Vice President Jusuf Kalla held a bilateral meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman on the sidelines of ...
The spirit of nationhood and solidarity was obvious, ahead of the convening of the 212 reunion rally at the National ...
The Indonesian capital city, Jakarta, is bracing for this year`s 212 reunion rally on Sunday (Dec 2), which ...
The Indonesian government continues to improve the quality of its palm oil products and expand markets to ...
Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Fahri Hamzah called on the two pairs of presidential-vice presidential ...
Indonesia, as the largest economy in South East Asia and the fourth most populous country in the world, has huge ...