#search and rescue

Collection of search and rescue news, found 1.316 news.

Indonesian Navy to use warships to evacuate smog victims

Indonesian Navy has prepared two Landing Platform Dock (LPD) type vessels, a floating hospital KRI dr Suharso-990 and ...

SAR team retrieves dead climbers` bodies from mount Lawu

The search and rescue (SAR) team in Magetan District, East Java, Monday, recovered the bodies of seven climbers who ...

One passenger of missing helicopter found alive in North Sumatra

One passenger of a helicopter, which had gone missing in North Sumatra, was found alive on Tuesday at 1 p.m. local ...

Helicopter loses contact in North Sumatra

A helicopter EC-130 carrying five people on board, lost contact with traffic air control during a flight in North ...

Basarnas hands over crashed Aviastar black box to KNKT

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) has handed over black box and debris of crashed Aviastar aircraft to ...

Ten bodies of crashed Aviastar plane arrive at Hasanuddin airport

As many as ten bodies of the victims of the crashed Aviastar aircraft, which were evacuated by a joint team of ...

Basarnas to evacuate passengers of crashed Aviastar plane Tuesday

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) will evacuate the bodies of the victims of the crashed Aviastar ...

Missing Aviastar Twin Otter plane`s debris traced

The debris of the Aviastars plane that had lost contact during a flight from Masamba to Makassar in South Sulawesi on ...

No lead found from reports on missing aircrfat

The Chief of the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas), Rear Marshal FH Bambang Soelistyo, said here on Sunday ...

Missing Aviastar plane allegedly crashed along Luwu-Palopo border

The fact-finding joint team tasked with tracking down the missing Aviastar plane is focusing its efforts on the border ...

Indonesian SAR team rated among the best in the world

National Search and Rescue Agency Chief Marshall Henry Bambang Soelistyo announced that his institution was rated as ...

Visitors begin flocking to Kayubura Beach to witness Sail Tomini

Several days before the main event of Sail Tomini is held, thousands of people have begun to flock to the Kayubura ...

Indonesian warships conduct Sail Tomini 2015 parade rehearsal

Several Indonesian warships and government vessels scheduled to take part in Sail Tomini 2015 have entered Tomini Bay ...

Black box of crashed Trigana Air aircraft found

The black box of a Trigana Air aircraft that went missing and later reportedly crashed into Bintang Mount, Papua, on ...

KNKT urged to report preliminary investigation into Trigana plane crash

Indonesian Transportation Minister Ignasius Jonan has urged the National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT) to ...