#security officers

Collection of security officers news, found 418 news.

Demonstrators hurl stones at police

Police officers removing pieces of cloth used to pull down fences at the parliament building were hit with stones ...

Demonstrators pull down fence of main gate of RI parliament building

Demonstrators, mostly students and laborers, pulled down the fence at the main gate of the parliament building while ...

round-up: demonstrations against fuel oil price hike end in clashes

Demonstrations held by thousands of people in Jakarta and other regions in the country against the imminent fuel price ...

Clash began as demonstrators forced their way to palace

The clash between demonstrators and security officers on Tuesday began when the protesters tried to force their way ...

Thirty five demonstrators taken to police hq

Police arrested 35 demonstrators and took them to the Jakarta Regional Police Headquarters after they clashed with ...

NU asks demonstrators not to turn lawless

The country`s largest Muslim organization Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) asked demonstrators, who were opposed to the ...

Crowd storms Cilik Riwut airport to bar FPI leader's entry

Hundreds of people on Saturday forced their way on to the apron of Cilik Riwut airport to prevent the arrival of FPI ...

Suicide car bomb outside Baghdad hospital kills 31

A suicide bomber set off an explosives-packed car outside a Baghdad hospital on Friday, killing 31 people in the ...

Attacks kill six in Iraq, wound 15 Afghan pilgrims

Attacks across Iraq on Monday killed six people and wounded dozens of others, including 15 Afghan pilgrims visiting ...

Gunmen attack bars in northeast Kenya, at least 2 dead

Gunmen sprayed bullets at New Year revellers in two bars in northeastern Kenya on Sunday, killing at least two people, ...

President Yudhoyono orders police chief to investigate Bima incident

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has ordered National Police Chief Gen Timur Pradopo to investigate into last ...

House to summon police chief over Bima incident

The House of Representatives (DPR)'s Commission III on legal affairs will summon National Police Chief Timur Pradopo ...

Bima clash needs to be investigated independently

While an investigation into bloody clashes between security forces and local people that claimed the lives of nine ...

Bima port of NTB returning to normal after clash

Security conditions at Sape ferry port of Bima district in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) where police and demonstrators ...

year-ender: police ready to secure X`Mas festivities

The National Police will field at least 83 personnel to secure year-end festivities nation-wide, particularly during ...