#semicon southeast asia

Collection of semicon southeast asia news, found 5 news.

Fully-fledged smart factory to be unveiled at SEMICON Southeast Asia 2019

Smart factories are fast becoming mainstream in the manufacturing industry, offering a new level of efficiency and ...

IoT to shake up manufacturing sector

The impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) will be on display at SEMICON Southeast Asia, 25-27 April at SPICE in ...

SEMICON SEA 2016 achieves 11% growth, helping transform the Southeast Asia semiconductor landscape for the new hybrid age

SEMI, the global semiconductor industry association serving the entire manufacturing supply chain, concluded SEMICON ...

SEMICON Southeast Asia 2016 comes back to Penang

SEMI, the global industry association serving the nano- and micro-electronic manufacturing supply chains, will once ...

Southeast Asia to See Spending of USD19 billion for Semiconductor Equipment and Materials by 2016

Programme information is now available on the inaugural SEMICON Southeast Asia, which will run from 22-24 April at ...