
Collection of seminar news, found 1.562 news.

Influx of foreign workers threatens state sovereignty: Official

The influx of foreign workers in Indonesia poses a new threat to the countrys sovereignty, a Defense Ministry official ...

Participants mesmerized by NTT`s charms during Sail Indonesia`s stopover

The exotic natural beauty and unique culture of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) have charmed more than 100 foreign sailors ...

Batam to continue cooperation with Yokohama

The Batam city government said it will continue cooperation, which began last year, with the Japanese city of ...

East Nusa Tenggara police investigate suspected terrorist bases

The East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) police have continued to conduct investigation in some areas suspected to be the base ...

ISIS bringing Middle East conflict to Indonesia : PBNU

Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) KH Said Agil Siradj said that ISIS main mission at the moment is to ...

Global Workers` Organization trains Indonesians to be entrepreneurs

A non-governmental organization engaged in migrant workers empowerment, Global Workers Organization (GWO), trains the ...

Sail Karimata expected to attract 15,000 tourists: Minister

The annual international maritime event, Sail Karimata Strait 2016, is expected to attract around 15,000 tourists, ...

Indonesian govt launches Sail Karimata 2016

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli launched the international maritime event of Sail Karimata ...

Indonesia, Netherlands to hold interfaith dialog in Ambon

The Indonesian Embassy in The Hague expressed its endorsement to holding the fourth Interfaith dialog, which will be ...

Sail Karimata Strait 2016 to involve four provinces

The annual international maritime event of Sail Indonesia this year is called Sail Karimata Strait 2016 and will ...

Health minister urges private hospitals to improve quality

Health Minister Nila F Moeloek urged private hospitals to improve the quality and competence of their human resources ...

IDB explores cooperation with INKINDO

The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is exploring cooperation with the National Association of Indonesian Consultants ...

Govt yet to revise growth target

National Development Planning Minister/Head of the National Development Planning Board (Bappenas), Sofyan Djalil, said ...

Government upbeat about Q2 growth

Despite witnessing low performance in the first quarter, the government is optimistic that the economic growth in the ...

Holding firm needed to implement economic packages

The government needs to establish holding companies as per its plan in order to implement President Joko Widodos ...