#sexual violence cases

Collection of sexual violence cases news, found 89 news.

Struggle against sexual violence continues

A wave of euphoria flooded social media platforms when the House of Representatives (DPR) agreed to ratify the Sexual ...

Sexual Violence Law implementation must prioritize victims: SAFENet

The Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (SAFEnet) has said that law enforcement officials must prioritize ...

Ratification of sexual violence bill a Kartini Day gift: official

The House of Representatives' ratification of the Sexual Violence Crimes Bill is akin to a gift commemorating ...

RUU TPKS ratification a present for women on Kartini Day

House of Representatives (DPR RI) Speaker Puan Maharani stated that ratification of the Sexual Violence Prevention Bill ...

Campus sexual violence and pressing need for sexual violence law

In recent times, sexual violence cases in Indonesia have become more alarming. Cases of sexual violence also occur ...

Minister expresses regret over sexual violence case in Tarakan

Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Bintang Puspayoga expressed regret over the case of sexual ...

Ministry lauds sexual violence prevention trainings

The Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Ministry lauded the initiatives from various parties that hold ...

IPU ensures gender-friendly draft resolutions

The Forum of Women Parliamentarians of the 144th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly ensured that the two draft ...

Restorative justice alternative for settling criminal cases: AG

Restorative justice is an alternative approach for addressing and settling criminal cases, according to Attorney ...

Islamic boarding schools can prevent sexual violence cases: Lawmaker

Islamic boarding schools play a crucial role in preventing cases of sexual violence among  students, Deputy ...

Aceh's Meulaboh struck by 5.2-magnitude quake

A 5.2-magnitude earthquake jolted Meulaboh, the capital of West Aceh District, Aceh Province, on Thursday, setting off ...

Expedite solution for legal hurdles in sexual violence cases: MP

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat in a statement on Thursday, emphasized ...

Increase in sexual violence reports good sign: ministry

The increase in the reporting of sexual violence cases is a good thing since it shows victims are summoning the courage ...

Sexual violence bill: Work Committee head supports trust fund proposal

Head of the Sexual Violence Prevention Bill (RUU TPKS) Work Committee of the House of Representatives, Willy Aditya, ...

Forced marriage, sexual slavery in sexual violence bill purview

The government has included the issues of forced marriage and sexual slavery in the Sexual Violence Prevention Bill ...