A forensic expert on Friday assured the organs of two Indonesian migrant workers shot dead in Malaysia recently ...
The latest autopsy conducted by the Indonesian police`s forensic team revealed that no vital organ was removed from ...
Indonesian police in West Nusa Tenggara have done a second autopsy on the bodies of two of the three migrant workers ...
The Association of Indonesian Migrant Workers (SBMI) deplores the shooting to death of three Indonesian migrant ...
The peculiarity surrounding the recent death of three Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia has become the ...
Pakistani police shot dead two people allegedly involved in sectarian violence in the troubled southwestern province ...
US President Barack Obama will issue an executive order Monday allowing sanctions to be imposed against foreigners who ...
Nigerian police in northwest Kano State on Saturday said unidentified gunmen shot dead a private photographer during a ...
Syrian forces killed two civilians and were locked in fierce clashes with rebels in one city while bombarding ...
Suspected members of Nigerian Islamist sect Boko Haram have killed four people and a large undetonated bomb was found ...
Gunmen shot dead four Shiite Muslims in Pakistan`s troubled southwestern province of Baluchistan on the border with ...
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian gunman suspected of trying to plant explosives beneath a fence at the border ...
Three bomb attacks minutes apart killed nine people and wounded more than 100 on Saturday in the main town in ...
Police have shot dead two suspected terrorists at Pondok Aren in the southwestern outskirts of Jakarta. "True, we ...
Suspected members of Nigerian Islamist sect Boko Haram killed four people on Friday when they robbed a bank and ...