#sleman district

Collection of sleman district news, found 175 news.

BNPB launches emergency response efforts at Mount Merapi

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) is facilitating emergency response efforts in four districts in the ...

Locals urged to be vigilant while taking grass on Merapi's slopes

The Sleman Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has urged local residents venturing the slopes of Mount Merapi to look for ...

1000 residents evacuated following Mt Merapi's volcanic activities

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) reported that over one thousand residents were evacuated to the ...

Evacuee count following Mt Merapi eruption increases to 203

The number of people fleeing the eruption of Mount Merapi in Glagaharjo Sub-district, Kapanewon Cangkringan, rose to ...

PMI distributes hazmat suits in Mount Merapi's disaster zones

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) dispensed several thousand hamzat suits and face shields to protect affected residents ...

PMI dispatches two Hagglunds to Mount Merapi's disaster zones

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) dispatched two Hagglunds to areas potentially affected by Mount Merapi's escalating ...

50 villagers residing on slopes of active Mount Merapi evacuated

Some 50 villagers, largely toddlers, pregnant women, and seniors, residing on Mount Merapi’s slopes were ...

Head-on collision between two cars in Sleman claims four lives

Four people lost their lives, while four others suffered injuries when two cars collided head-on in Mlati Village, ...

Sleman Temple Run 2020 called off due to COVID-19-

The annual semi-trail race, Sleman Temple Run 2020, which was planned to be held on September 27, 2020 has been ...

Govt, parliament should complete deliberation on PDP Bill: MPR Chief

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Chairman Bambang Soesatyo urged Joko Widodo's government and House of ...

News Focus

Varsities join push for self-sufficiency in COVID-19 fight

Several leading universities in Indonesia have joined the nation’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic and ...

Indonesia's Mount Merapi erupts twice on Sunday

The Mount Merapi on the border of Yogyakarta's Sleman District and Central Java Province erupted twice on Sunday ...

Some 2,800 runners join Volcano Run 2020 in Mt Merapi area, Sleman

A total of 2,800 people participated in the Second Volcano Run 2020 marathon event held at Mount Merapi Museum (MGM) ...

Flash flood hits 249 Yogyakarta school trip students, kills eight

A flash flood hit 249 students trekking along Sempor River during a school trip in Turi, Sleman District, Yogyakarta, ...

Volcanic ash rain hits slope area following Mount Merapi eruption

A relatively thin volcanic ash fall descended on a partial slope area in Sleman District, Yogyakarta Province, after ...