
Collection of sleman news, found 384 news.

Mary Jane remains a convict: Attorney general

Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso remains a convict as her execution was not cancelled but merely postponed, stated Attorney ...

Mary Jane`s second judicial review plea rejected

A court in Sleman, Yogyakarta, rejected death row convict Mary Jane Fiesta Velosos judicial review petition on ...

Mass for Mary Jane facing execution

Catholics in Magelang, Central Java, held mass for Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, a death row convict from the Philippines ...

Preparation for execution of death row convicts ordered

The attorney general office has ordered for the preparation of execution of 11 death row convicts. The order was ...

President threatens to revoke citizenship of 16 Indonesians

President Joko Widodo has threatened to revoke the citizenship of 16 Indonesians who have been detained in Turkey. ...

Umat beragama diharapkan meneladani semangat Nyepi Hindu

Umat beragama diharapkan dapat meneladani semangat yang terkandung dalam tradisi Nyepi umat Hindu sebagai bentuk ...

Shooters of Amien Rais`s car used homemade rifle: Police

The person who shot at the car of former Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) chairman Amien Rais on early Thursday ...

Motorcycle homebound travelers flock Merak port

Nearly a thousand home-bound travelers on motorcycles, on Saturday, flocked the Merak port, Banten, waiting to be ...

Foreign mass media and envoy accused of intervention in election

The Jenderal Soedirman Center (JSC) said it has seen a number of forms of foreign intervention in the presidential ...

Ministry predicts home-bound travelers in 2014 to reach 27 million

The number of home-bound travelers during the Idul Fitri Holiday 2014 is expected to reach 27 million, according to a ...

Yogyakarta govt to repair 50 km of Merapi evacuation road

The Yogyakarta Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency said the government will repair the 50-kilometer evacuation road ...

Mount Slamet`s status raised to alert level

The status of Mount Slamet located in the districts of Banyumas, Purbalingga, Pemalang, Tegal and Brebes in Central ...

Two volcanoes` status in Java increased

The status of the two most active volcanoes in Java Island, Mount Slamet and Merapi, were raised by the authority on ...

Mount Merapi status increased to alert level II

The Geology Disaster Technology Development and Research Center (BPPTKG) of Yogyakarta on Wednesday raised the status ...

Golkar claims Soeharto`s government better than present administration

The general chairman of Golkar Party, Aburizal Bakrie (ARB), again praised former president Soehartos government ...