#solo central java

Collection of solo central java news, found 377 news.

Kalla urges universities to contribute to technology development

Vice President Jusuf Kalla has urged the universities to contribute more to the development of technology for the ...

President hopes `Dilan 1990` movie to inspire creative industry

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hoped the movie titled "Dilan 1990" would become a source of inspiration for ...

Farmers stage rally against planned rice imports

Hundreds of farmers in Sukolilo sub-district, Pati district, Central Java, staged a rally on Monday to protest against ...

Air Asia to close Solo-Kuala Lumpur route

Malaysian based low-cost carrier Air Asia would stop its Solo - Kuala Lumpur flights starting from mid-January, Head ...

REI optimistic house sales would increase in 2018

The Central Java branch of the Real Estate Indonesia (REI) said it is optimistic that house sales would increase in ...

President asks government officers to approach community

President Joko Widodo asked his government officers to approach the community in an effort to listen to aspirations of ...

Maharani chairs meeting on hydrology, geological disaster mitigation

Coordinating Minister for Culture and Human Development Puan Maharani chaired a coordination meeting on hydrology and ...

Mt Agung`s eruptions lead to temporary closure of Bali airport

After rumbling since August 2017, the 3,142-meter-high Mount Agung has finally erupted, forcing a temporary closure of ...

President Jokowi performs Tortor dance during daughter`s Batak wedding procession

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) performed the Batak traditional dance Tortor during a Madailing wedding ceremony of his ...

Passengers can now avail skytrain service at Soeta Airport

Since Sunday, Sept 18, this year, the Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta (Soeta) International Airport has begun operating a ...

Indonesia will not remain silent over Muslim problems: President

President Joko Widodo said that Indonesia will not remain silent but seek solutions to problems being faced by Muslims ...

Indonesia awards three British gamelan pioneers

Indonesias Education and Culture Ministry awarded three British gamelan pioneers -- Alec Roth, Neill Sorrell, and Anne ...

MPR speaker denounces Israel for restricting access to Al Aqsa

Chairman of the Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) Zulkifli Hasan has condemned Israeli measures to restrict access ...

Indonesia strongly condemns Israeli aggression at Al Aqsa

In Indonesia, from the president to its the people, many have strongly condemned the violence and blatant aggression ...

Rallies against Israeli grip on Al Aqsa held in Solo, Tasikmalaya

Rallies to protest against Israel for tightening its grip on Al Aqsa Mosque Compound, third holiest site of Islam, ...