Aceh Office destroyed 3.5 hectares of marijuana plantation on a mountain slope in Lamteuba area of Aceh Besar ...
American Express (NYSE: AXP) released the American Express Travel: Global Travel Trends Report today, which provides ...
The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) nabbed two couriers while they were allegedly trying to smuggle six kg of drugs ...
Coordinating Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Minister Mahfud MD sought strong evidence to support the allegation ...
The South Kalimantan police officers continued their manhunt for drug lords who supplied nine kilograms of crystal ...
Indonesia, home to the world's third-largest tropical rainforests, has been successful in significantly reducing ...
Samsul Bahri (39), a former legislator from South Sumatra’s Pidie Jaya district, was nabbed by the National ...
West Kalimantan Office. "The destroyed evidence included the crystal meth package the Customs and Excise ...
The West Jakarta police officers have continued their manhunt for a drug kingpin owning 115 kilograms (kg) of marijuana ...
Indonesian President Joko Widodo rolled back a presidential regulation allowing investments in the liquor industry on ...
Vonage (Nasdaq: VG), a global leader in cloud communications helping businesses accelerate their digital ...
Indonesia’s aviation industry, which has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, will need government incentives ...
The Indonesian president pushed for millions of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises (MSMEs) to embrace digital ...
The Denpasar district court in Bali province has sentenced a 30-year-old man to 10 years' imprisonment for ...
Papua’s provincial administration is making efforts to restore normalcy in Intan Jaya district, which has been ...