
Collection of speaker news, found 3.265 news.

Support KPK action to root out corruption in Supreme Court: MPR

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) Speaker Bambang Soesatyo on Saturday reiterated his support for the ...

Personal Data Protection Agency to work under President: minister

The Personal Data Protection (PDP) Agency will work under the President, thus it will be answerable to the head of ...

Expect PSEs to improve cybersecurity with PDP bill ratification: Plate

Electronic system operators (PSEs) are expected to improve their defense against cyberattacks following the ...

Parliament passes Personal Data Protection Bill as law

The House of Representatives (DPR RI) passed the Personal Protection Bill (RUU PDP) as law during the parliament's ...

Personal Data Protection bill ratified on September 20: House Speaker

Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Puan Maharani has confirmed that the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill ...

Legislator highlights importance of implementing religious moderation

Member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) Mohammad Saleh said religious moderation ...

MPR encourages comprehensive education on new, renewable energy use

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Lestari Moerdijat encouraged the government to consistently and ...

Gov't to provide cash assistance for orphans, single elderly: minister

The Indonesian government will provide direct cash assistance (BLT) for orphans, single elderly, and people living with ...

Perpetual peace Indonesian nation's ultimate goal: Megawati

The ultimate goal of the Indonesian nation is perpetual peace that should be achieved through mutual understanding and ...

W Java allocates Rp50-billion for fuel price hike-affected people

West Java Regional Legislative Bodies (DPRD) and the provincial government agreed to provide additional social ...

DPR expects to intensify Indonesia-Turkish relations: Deputy speaker

House of Representatives (DPR RI) Deputy Speaker Rachmat Gobel accentuated the need for the parliament to play a role ...

Moeldoko calls for accelerating development of sorghum ecosystem

Chief of the Presidential Staff Office Moeldoko reiterated the importance of expediting the development of the sorghum ...

BIN, Police already identified hacker of some government sites

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and National Police identified "Bjorka," a hacker, who reportedly hacked ...

KONI, SMEs Ministry to develop MSME products for sports industry

The National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Cooperatives and ...

NTB, NTT named joint hosts of 2028 PON National Games

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) provinces have been named as the joint hosts of the 2028 XXII PON ...