#sports week

Collection of sports week news, found 429 news.

PON Papua

PON XX opening ceremony in Papua starts

The opening ceremony of the 20th National Sports Week (PON) kicked off with a traditional dance at 7 p.m. local time at ...

PON Papua

President Jokowi inaugurates seven venues for PON in Papua

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated seven venues of the XX National Sports Week (PON) in Jayapura, Papua, on ...

PON Papua

BNPT Head Boy Rafli Amar inspects PON venue in Papua

Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Commissioner General Boy Rafli Amar on Friday inspected the XX ...

Keep venues open for sports, tourism post PON, Papua told

Chairman of the executive board of the Indonesia Rowing Sports Association (PB PODSI), Basuki Hadimuljono, has urged ...

After arriving at Sentani airport, President stops to buy noken

President Joko Widodo and his entourage made a brief stop midway to their lodging from Sentani Airport, Jayapura ...

Strict health protocols key for PON success: House Speaker

The implementation of strict health protocols is key for the successful holding of the XX Papua National Sports Week ...

PON Papua

Bali scores three golds in judo on third day

The Bali contingent took the top spot on the third day of judo matches at the National Sports Week (PON) XX held in ...

PON Papua

Papua Police chief assures safety during PON inauguration

Chief of the Papua Police Inspector General Mathius D. Fakhiri has said that all preparations have been made for the ...

PON Athlete

Sepak takraw: West Java team banking on twins' chemistry

Solid coordination, or more precisely, strong chemistry between twin sepak takraw athletes Lena and Leni will be a ...

PON Athlete

PON: Desak Rita wins gold for Bali in sport climbing

Bali's Desak Made Rita Kusuma Dewi took the gold medal in women's sport climbing with a record speed of 7.01 ...

PON Papua

Preparations for Papua PON opening ceremony 95% complete: official

The preparations for the opening ceremony of the National Sports Week (PON) XX  in Papua have reached 95-percent ...

Three legendary national athletes carry PON XX torch to Jayapura

The National Sports Week (PON) fire carnival trio, comprising legendary Indonesian athletes Taufik Hidayat, Lilis ...

Papua PON: Leonardo bags gold in Speed WR sport climbing

Athlete from the West Kalimantan contingent Veddriq Leonardo won a gold medal in the men's singles Speed World ...

Raharjati Nursyamsa surpasses Veddriq Leonardo's climbing world record

West Java athlete Raharjati Nursyamsa might replace West Kalimantan representative Veddriq Leonardo as the men's ...

PON Papua

BNPB to ensure Papua PON safe from COVID-19 case surge

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB), through the Health Protocol Task Force of the XX National Sports Week ...