#st petersburg russia

Collection of st petersburg russia news, found 20 news.

ReSharper 7 Strikes First, Supports Visual Studio 2012 and Metro Style Application Development

-ReSharper 7 supports the newest Visual Studio, eases transition to Metro style applications, and adds substantial ...

RI coordinating minister attends security meeting in Russia

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Joko Suyanto attended an international meeting of high ...

Bali welcomes Subak as a world cultural heritage

The government and the people of Bali, especially the farmers, have welcomed the decision of the United Nations (PBB) ...

Poaching, illegal trade still threatening Sumatran tigers

Poaching and illegal trade in tiger parts are still major threats to the survival of the Sumatran tiger (Panthera ...

23 Patients With Organ Confined Low Risk Prostate Cancer Have Been Treated in Clinical Trials

-Initial Results are Encouraging, Spurring Hope for a Treatment Option with a Lower Rate of ...