
Collection of standby news, found 542 news.

Tanah Datar readies heavy-duty equipment on landslide-prone road

The Tanah Datar district government, West Sumatra, has readied several heavy-duty equipment at various road junctions ...

Mt. Agung erupts with incandescent lava flowing for three kilometers

Mount Agung in Karangasem district, Bali, erupted again on Friday (May 24) at 19:23 a.m., spewing incandescent lava in ...

Brimob disperses rioting mob outside Bawaslu building

The police's mobile brigade (Brimob) personnel, on Thursday morning, pushed back those protesting since Wednesday ...

News Focus

One-way route hopes to speed traffic from Jakarta- Surabaya-Bali

Mudik Lebaran (Eid al-Fitr homecoming) is a compulsory tradition for most Indonesian Muslims to ...

Constitutional Court ready to accept election dispute cases

The Constitutional Court (MK) is ready to accept cases dealing with disputes regarding the 2019 presidential and ...

Gunung Kidul readies 600 water tanker trucks to tackle drought

The administration of Girisubo Sub-district, Gunung Kidul District, Special Region of Yogyakarta, has on standby ...

Residents called to avoid dangerous zone post-Mt Agung Eruption

The Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) has advised residents, climbers and tourists not ...

Health minister reminds travelers to ensure health before "mudik"

Health Minister Nila Moeloek reminded travelers to ensure their health before leaving for conducting ...

Power consumption increases 5 percent during Ramadhan

State electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) has predicted that the consumption of power during the ...

Baznas establishes emergency command post in flood-afflicted Bengkulu

The National Alms Agency (Baznas) has set up an emergency command post on Sunday (Apr 28) in Bengkulu Province to offer ...

Pertamina ensures fuel oil stock for Ramadhan 1440 hijri is safe

The Pertamina Marketing Operation Region (MOR) VII of Sulawesi has made assurance that the stocks of fuel oil (BBM) and ...

PLN sets up 39 posts to ensure electricity supply during elections

State-owned electricity company PT. PLN has provided 39 standby posts in Pekanbaru, Riau province, in order to ensure ...

Deployment of nearly 2,673 personnel to safeguard presidential debate

Nearly 2,673 personnel will be stationed for ensuring security during the fifth round of presidential debate scheduled ...

Jonan asks PLN to coordinate with KPU over 2019 election

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan asked state-owned electricity company PT Perusahaan ...

News Focus

News Focus -- East Java accelerates flood mitigation efforts

Indonesia is currently transitioning from rainy to the dry season that usually begins in April or May. However, high ...