#state electricity company

Collection of state electricity company news, found 279 news.

President delivers Rp7.2 billion aid to Mount Agung`s evacuees

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) here on Tuesday delivered a logistic aid worth Rp7.2 billion to the evacuees residing ...

Hajj fund sufficient for infrastructure: Minister Brodjonegoro

Hajj fund, which currently reaches almost Rp100 trillion, is sufficient to finance infrastructure development, ...

BUMN distributes 200 thousand food packages in five areas

The State-Owned Enterprises Ministry (BUMN) collaborated with 14 state-owned companies, Tuesday morning, to distribute ...

Largest Chinese firm to invest in power plants in Indonesia

The largest Chinese power company "China Huadian Corporation" has the opportunity to invest in power plants in ...

PLN to issue bonds and sukuk worth Rp10 trillion

State electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) plans to issue bonds worth Rp8 trillion and sharia bonds ...

South Halmahera to have geothermal power plant

A geothermal power plant would be built in the regency of South Halmahera, North Maluku, utilizing a geothermal ...

Indonesia continues to promote its tourism potential

The government of Indonesia, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is ready and will continue to market and promote ...

Government sets PLN`s electricity provision cost Rp15/kwh lower

The government has set power provision cost (BPP) at power generating plants of the state electricity company PT PLN ...

AGO questions ex-BRI president director over electric cars

The Attorney Generals Office (AGO) has questioned former president director of state lender Bank Rakyat Indonesia ...

Gas supplies to power plants should be prioritized: President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has stated that gas supplies to power plants should be prioritized. The president ...

Indonesia to strengthen commitments with Iran in energy sector

Indonesia will strengthen its commitment to developing the energy sector with Iran, including investment in an oil ...

Indonesia hopes to produce 9,500 MW of geothermal power in 2025

Geothermal power is expected to contribute 9,500 megawatts to the countrys energy requirement in 2025 when oil ...

PLTU Batang to be operational in 2020

Construction of southeast Asias largest power plant in Central Java would be completed in 2020, its contractor PT ...

VP leads limited meeting on rehabilitation efforts in Bima

Vice President Jusuf Kalla led a limited meeting to discuss rehabilitation efforts in the Dompu and Bima districts of ...

Former SOE minister questioned over alleged corruption

Former state-owned enterprises minister Dahlan Iskan was grilled on Monday by the East Java High Prosecution ...