#state owned enterprises minister

Collection of state owned enterprises minister news, found 437 news.

Refueling stations to sell premium gasoline again

The lower quality Research Octane Number 88 (R0N-88) Premium gasoline will come back to gasoline refueling stations ...

President hands over social forestry decree in corn field

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) symbolically handed over the Social Forestry Decree (SK) for the utilization of corn ...

State-owned enterprises, TNI sign MoU on infrastructure development

The State-Owned Enterprises Ministry and The Indonesian Military (TNI) have agreed to establish cooperation to ...

President inaugurates two highways in North Sumatra

Indonesian President Joko Widodo inaugurated the Medan-Binjai and Kualanamu Airport-Sei Rampah highways. ...

Government, Freeport begin discussions on state revenues

The government and PT Freeport Indonesia have begun discussions on state revenues for the central and regional ...

Passengers can now avail skytrain service at Soeta Airport

Since Sunday, Sept 18, this year, the Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta (Soeta) International Airport has begun operating a ...

Skytrain, airport train to be integrated before year-end

State-Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno has planned to integrate the operations of the automated people mover ...

BUMN ready to take majority stake in Freeport: Minister

State-owned mining companies (BUMN) are ready to take a majority stake in PT Freeport Indonesia by the end of 2018 ...

Kalla urges enterprises to meet orphans` education costs

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla has urged corporations, particularly state-owned enterprises (BUMN), to meet the ...

President Joko Widodo visits market in Papua

President Joko Widodo visited and inspected the Mama-mama Market on Percetakan Street, Jayapura City, Papua Province, ...

Dahlan Iskan sentenced to two years in jail

The Surabaya Corruption Court has sentenced former state-owned enterprises minister Dahlan Iskan to two years in jail ...

Portable power plants accommodate society`s needs: President Jokowi

Portable power plants could accommodate the societys electricity needs, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said ...

New president director expected to optimize Pertamina`s teamwork

The newly appointed President Director of PT Pertamina, Elia Massa Manik, is expected to optimize teamwork at the ...

Pertamina`s new president director to reinforce human resources

Newly appointed president director of PT Pertamina Elia Massa Manik has expressed his commitment to strengthen the ...

Minister promotes international halal food certification for MSMEs

State-owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno is promoting international halal-certified food products, especially ...