
Collection of stopped news, found 1.486 news.

At least 115 expatriates leave Freeport

The Immigration Office in Tembagapura, Timika, said at least 115 expatriate workers have left PT Freeport Indonesia ...

Indonesian Air Force to install another radar in W. Kalimantan

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) will install one more radar in Singkawang, West Kalimantan province, to strengthen ...

Emirates, Etihad boarding as usual after 2nd Ttrump travel ban blocked

Passengers from six mainly Muslim countries who would have been barred from the United States under President Donald ...

President orders to stop mercury use in traditional mining

President Joko Widodo has instructed small-scale gold miners to stop the use of mercury, as it could damage the ...

Ex-Panama leader Noriega still critical after brain surgery

Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega remained in an induced coma in critical condition following two brain ...

US ambassador encourages open communication between government and Freeport

US Ambassador to Indonesia Joseph R Donovan Jr has encouraged an open communication between the Indonesian government ...

Bank Papua rejects new credits for Freeport workers

Bank Pembangunan Daerah Papua (Bank Papua) has since February 20 rejected new credit proposal from the workers of ...

President Jokowi prepares options to solve fuss in Freeport`s contract

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has prepared options to settle a fuss over a change in the status of gold and copper ...

Police alerted over possible unrest linked to freeport workers` layoff

The Mimika Resort Police and other security officers are taking necessary steps to anticipate possible unrest as a ...

Freeport crisis affects Garuda Indonesia passengers

The ongoing crisis at PT Freeport Indonesia in Papua Province has affected the number of passengers of flag carrier ...

Indonesia allows Freeport to carry out exports for one year

The Indonesian government has given PT Freeport a chance to carry out concentrate exports for one year, although it is ...

A tale of S Kalimantan`s enviromental movement

Greening is a movement in the hands of Forum Komunitas Hijaus (Green Community Forum/FKH) founders. They have ...

Freeport says it will continue to operate in Indonesia

PT Freeport Indonesias parent company Freeport McMoRan Inc, said it would continue to operate in the country despite ...

Freeport warns RI of international arbitration

President and CEO of US mining giant Freeport McMoRan, Richard C. Adkerson, has said that the company would take the ...

Freeport, Amman yet to submit export agreement letter

The government has disclosed that until Friday, Feb 17, PT Freeport Indonesia and PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara have ...