
Collection of street news, found 2.206 news.

Court fines meth trafficker Rp1 billion, hands 11-year prison term

The Denpasar District Court in Bali Province imposed a 11-year prison term against I Putu Adi Sastrawan on Tuesday for ...

21 Indonesian migrant workers deported from Malaysia over drug casess

Malaysia deported 21 Indonesian migrant workers through Nunukan District, North Kalimantan Province, due to drug ...

Five terror suspects handed over to Densus anti-terror squad

Five suspected terrorists, who were arrested at Malangbong Street in Garut District, West Java Province, on Sunday ...

Indonesia realizes Theresa May's decision to step down

The Indonesian government realizes British Prime Minister Theresa May's decision to step down as the United Kingdom ...

Prabowo-Sandi pair appoints Hashim Djojohadikusumo to file suit at MK

Ma'ruf Amin pair on early Tuesday. The final tally that the KPU announced at around 1:28 a.m. indicated that the ...

Number of detainees in May 21-22 rallies reaches 300

The Indonesian police have arrested a total of 300 rioters following the rallies held on May 21-22 to revolt against ...

Brimob disperses rioting mob outside Bawaslu building

The police's mobile brigade (Brimob) personnel, on Thursday morning, pushed back those protesting since Wednesday ...

Jakarta highway appears desolate after May 22, Thamrin still closed

Several highways in the DKI Jakarta area on Thursday morning or following the demonstrations on May 22 reportedly wore ...

Jakarta governor visits election supervisory body

The Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan visited the office of the Indonesian Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) on Jalan ...

House speaker appeals to police to exhibit self-restraint

Maruf Amin pair secured 85 million votes, or 55.5 percent of the national vote, compared to challengers Prabowo ...

Jakarta MRT operating despite unrest in some areas

The Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is operating normally, despite unrest in some areas in Indonesia's capital ...

News Focus

Lesson learned from Jakarta's post-election riot

Ma'ruf Amin pair on early Tuesday. The final tally that the KPU announced at around 1:28 a.m. local time ...

Riot-control police should desist from violence: Muhammadiyah

Muhammadiyah, Indonesia's second-largest Muslim organization after Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), has requested the ...

Post-election rioting in Jakarta claims six, 20 provocateurs arrested

Maruf Amin pair had secured 85 million votes, or 55.5 percent of the national vote, as compared to contenders Prabowo ...

KPU building was guarded following election verdict declaration

Several hundred police officers continued to stand guard around the General Election Commission (KPU) building after ...