
Collection of sumarno news, found 71 news.

Ministries coordinate to tackle agricultural land flooding in C Java

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman stated that his side is coordinating with the Ministry of Public Works and ...

Central Java steps up entrepreneurial training to tackle poverty

The Central Java provincial government and the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) have intensified community empowerment ...

Jejakk festival strengthens creative district, city network: Minister

The 2023 Indonesian Creative District/City Network (Jejakk) festival is aimed at strengthening networking and ...


Seeking to support orphans in the Holy Month of Ramadan 1444 H

The caregiver and person in charge of the As-Syafiiyah Orphan Special Boarding School, Prof. Dr. H. Dailami Firdaus, ...

Thousands surround Mount Tidar to celebrate Satpol PP's anniversary

At least eight thousand people symbolically circled Mount Tidar in Magelang, Central Java, by holding hands together to ...

Hope Safe Routes to School will keep children safe: Minister

Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Bintang Puspayoga has expressed the hope that the Safe Routes to ...

Ministry presses for greater alertness to prevent child kidnapping

Parents are urged to be more attentive towards their children and more vigilant to prevent kidnapping, according to the ...

C Java to work with PDHI, varsities for FMD vaccination

The provincial government of Central Java will collaborate with the Indonesian Association of Veterinarians (PDHI) and ...

Torch relay begins for 2022 ASEAN Para Games

The 2022 ASEAN Para Games torch began its journey on a relay course after its flame was ignited from the Eternal Flame ...

G20 Indonesia

Distinct flavor of Flores coffee wafts through 3rd G20 DEWG

A plethora of products of micro, small, and medium enterprises were showcased at the third Digital Economy Working ...

KTNA asked to digitize agriculture to attract millennials

The Central Java provincial government has urged the Andalan Farmers and Fishers Association (KTNA) to implement ...

Central Java governor forms teams to lower stunting rate

Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo has formed teams that are tasked with expediting the reduction of child ...

C Java: Sumadi chairs meeting on controlling public mobility

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi on Thursday chaired a coordination meeting on controlling public mobility ...

Coal tourism village begins educational tourism for students

The Coal tourism village in West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, has launched an edutourism initiative for school ...

C Java rolls out vaccination car to expedite vaccination coverage

The Central Java provincial government has rolled out a vaccination car to remote areas in a bid to expedite the ...