#supply and demand

Collection of supply and demand news, found 213 news.

Govt to ensure supply-demand balance to control food prices

Trade Minister Thomas Trikasih Lembong said here on Wednesday that his priority was to ensure a balance between supply ...

Policy implementation to maintain rupiah stability

The year 2015 has been marked with a long arduous struggle to shore up rupiah to regain some of its lost value ...

Factors triggering rupiah rebound

The national currency rupiah made an upward leap early October giving rise to hope that the economy is on its way to ...

Cut in holding period for SBI to draw investment: BI

Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said the decision to cut the holding period for Bank Indonesia Certificate ...

Bank Indonesia urges exporters to sell forex reserves

Bank Indonesia (BI) has urged exporters to release or sell their foreign exchange (forex), BI Governor Agus ...

Central bank to launch three strategies to stabilize rupiah

Bank Indonesia said it is applying three short term strategies to create rupiah stability amid the protracted global ...

Qunar, China's Largest Travel Search Engine, Teams Up with Cybersource for Secure Global Expansion

- CyberSource, a Visa Inc. company (NYSE: V), and one of the world's largest providers of eCommerce payment management ...

President hopes inflation target is achieved through joint efforts

President Joko Widodo said here on Wednesday that he hopes the inflation target set at 4 plus/minus one percent for ...

Toshiba to Supply Steam Turbine and Generator for Duyen Hai 3 Extension Coal-fired Power Plant in Vietnam

- Toshiba Corporation (TOKYO:6502) today announced that it has received an order to supply 688MW super-critical steam ...

President invites rice traders to discuss price hike

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) invited several rice traders to discuss the recent rice price hike at the Presidential ...

Climate factor causes rice price hikes: Observer

Agriculture observer Khudori said recent hikes in rice prices were mostly triggered by climate changes that caused a ...

Pertamina should be named as single gas aggregator: Analysts

Public policy observer Sofyano Zakaria said the government should name state oil and gas company PT Pertanina as the ...

BI`s key rate maintained to control inflation

Bank Indonesia (BI) maintained on Thursday its benchmark rate at 7.5 percent in an effort to keep the inflation rate ...

Bank Indonesia set to protect rupiah stability

Bank Indonesia (BI) said it will be ready in the market to protect rupiah stability amid the high volatility in ...

JLL Confirms 2013 Strongest Year on Record for Asia Pacific Commercial Real Estate Investment Markets

Data just released by Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) shows that 2013 was the strongest year on record for commercial real ...