
Collection of surge news, found 1.678 news.

News Focus

Preventing dengue, malaria to avoid double health burden amid corona

As Indonesia battles the novel coronavirus disease, another health threat looms for the tropical nation with the change ...

Foreign investment in North Sumatra swells to Rp5.2 trillion

Foreign investment in North Sumatra climbed to Rp5.219 trillion in the first quarter of 2020 from Rp1.197 trillion a ...

Weekend Stories

Impact of COVID-19 on the tradition of 'mudik' in Indonesia

For Indonesians, the festivities in the month of Ramadhan are marked by a number of traditions, one of which is ...

COVID-19 Task Force urges NTT to remain vigilant for dengue fever

Doni Monardo, Chief of the Task Force for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Response, reminded the East Nusa Tenggara ...

Galang Emergency Hospital offered treatment to 32 COVID-19 patients

Some 32 COVID-19 patients, whose test results came back positive for COVID-19, underwent treatment at the emergency ...

Jakarta Emergency Hospital records rise in COVID-19 inpatients

The Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital (RSD) for COVID-19 treatment in Kemayoran on Thursday morning treated a total of 694 ...

Indonesia launches new slogan to promote use of face masks

The Indonesian Government has launched a new slogan — ‘My face mask protects you, and yours protects ...

MPR sounds alert on dengue fever surge

Deputy Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat has urged the government to give ...

W Java governor constantly coordinates with Jokowi to support Jakarta

West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil coordinated with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) over a proposed imposition of ...

North Sumatra readies 11 referral hospitals to treat COVID-19 patients

The COVID-19 Response Task Force in North Sumatra Province has readied 11 hospitals as a precautionary measure against ...

Ministry readies strategies to intensify plantation exports

The Agriculture Ministry has come up with some strategies to boost Indonesia's exports of plantation commodities ...

Indonesia's inflation under control, at 0.10 percent in March 2020

Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) recorded Indonesia’s inflation rate at 0.10 percent in March 2020 ...

News Focus

Internet infrastructure readiness as corona keeps people home

Researchers at the Monash Business School have created a Global Internet Pressure map that measures the strain the ...

House begins third session as coronavirus infections surge in Jakarta

Indonesia’s House of Representatives opened its third session for 2019-2020 with a plenary meeting here on ...

Telkomsel offers free access to data on official COVID-19 website

Telkomsel is providing free access to data on the official website for COVID-19 information in a bid to help the public ...