#sustainable development goal

Collection of sustainable development goal news, found 75 news.

News Focus

Indonesia fights to prevent child marriage amid COVID-19 pandemic

Eni, a resident of West Nusa Tengga (NTB),  regretted that she allowed her 14-year-old daughter to marry last May ...

News Focus

Social security program seeks to address poverty challenge

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has triggered a global economic crisis, is posing a real challenge to many countries, ...

Securing regional food resilience dominates agenda at FAO meet

Government representatives from 46 countries in the Asia-Pacific region gathered online on Thursday to examine the ...

Asia-Pacific nations plan COVID-19 response for addressing hunger: FAO

Asia-Pacific nations convened the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO) virtual conference to ...

Mary Kay advances commitment to global female empowerment at United Nations Global Compact Gender Equality Forum

- In its ongoing commitment to female empowerment and entrepreneurship, Mary Kay Inc., alongside Warner Bros., Qualcomm ...

WB points to learning poverty afflicting one-third Indonesian children

Over one-third of the children in Indonesia experience learning poverty, or are incapable of reading and comprehending ...

News Feature

Empowerment of female workers in Ungaran through Better Work Indonesia

The Indonesian garment industry has witnessed swift growth, with a notable four-percent contribution to Indonesia's ...

Empower family farmers to eradicate hunger in Southeast Asia: FAO

The UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has persuaded Southeast Asian nations to reposition family farming ...

P&G sets new goal to deliver 25 billion liters of clean drinking water to families in need worldwide

- This World Water Day, Procter & Gamble (P&G) is celebrating the achievement of its 2020 goal of delivering 15 billion ...

Indonesia urges Unesco to be more beneficial for communities

Indonesia supports the process of UNESCO`s strategic transformation to make it more relevant and beneficial for all ...

Indonesia encourages UNESCO to be more relevant for communities

The Indonesian government, at the 205th UNESCO Executive Board Plenary Session, encouraged the UN agency to be more ...

Jakarta Declaration highlights challenges posed to press freedom globally

Some 1,500 participants from 90 countries attended the World Press Freedom Day International Conference organized by ...

Jakarta to host UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize ceremony

The 2017 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize award ceremony will be held in Jakarta on Wednesday ...

UN Global Pulse and Western Digital announce ‘Data for Climate Action’ challenge now open for entries

- Global Pulse, the United Nations innovation initiative on big data, and Western Digital ...

Brewers unite with governments, NGOs, employees and retailers worldwide to promote responsible drinking

- On September 16, brewers, governments, NGOs and retailers in 76 countries around the world will partner on the second ...