#tanjung priok port

Collection of tanjung priok port news, found 221 news.

Avoid hoaxes, blasphemy ahead 2019 elections: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the public to avoid spreading hoaxes and blasphemy ahead of the general ...

Home Minister asks police to investigate hoax on cast ballots

Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo has asked the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) to ...

Police shot dead two drug suspects

Anti narcotic squad of the Indonesian police shot dead two alleged members of drug syndicate of ...

News Focus : Digital transformation to usher in new era of port development by Eliswan Azly

Entering the industrial era 4.0, digitazation is indispensable in every sphere, including the port industry, in order ...

Basarnas continues search, evacuation operations

The National Search and Rescue (SAR) Agency (Basarnas) has extended its operations to search and evacuate the victims ...

US NTSB to help JT 610 plane crash investigation

Indonesia`s National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has worked on coordination with the US National ...

Basarnas to hand over JT 610 black box to KNKT

The search and rescue team will hand over the retrieved black box of Lion Air JT 610 to the National Transportation ...

Rescuers find ping locator of crashed Lion Air

Rescuers have found a ping locator allegedly originated from the black box of the Lion Air JT 610 plane, which crashed ...

President Jokowi keeps on monitoring evacuation of Lion Air`s victims

Indonesian President Joko Widodo said he kept on monitoring the search and evacuation process of the victims and ...

Transportation safety commission still collects data on Lion Air crash

The National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT) on Tuesday still collected all necessary data related to the ...

indonesian police`s DVI receives 47 more body bags

The Indonesian Police`s Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team has received 47 more body bags and six bags ...

Foreign assistance not needed in Lion air search: Basarnas

Director of Preparedness for Indonesia`s search and rescue agency Basarnas Didi Hamzar stated that Indonesia does not ...

Jokowi observes search efforts of crashed Lion Air JT 610

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) observed the search and rescue efforts, carried out by the joint SAR team, of the ...

SAR team deploys multibeam echosounder to locate sunken JT610

The search and rescue team has deployed a multibeam echosounder sonar on Tuesday to locate the Lion Air JT610 aircraft ...

Ministry of transportation dispatches patrol boats to Lion air crash site

The Main Harbourmaster of Tanjung Priok Port has dispatched the KNP 356, 507 and 557 Patrol Boats to the location ...