
Collection of teachers news, found 1.582 news.

Vocational school students' products can fulfill domestic requirements

Products from vocational school graduates can meet the current domestic requirements, according to the Education, ...

Pandemic hinders autistic children from accessing education: ministry

Deputy of Child Protection at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Nahar affirmed that the ...

Educators must gain know-how on inclusive education: ministry

Teachers at inclusive schools must gain knowledge of inclusive education so that it can be implemented in classrooms ...

Ministry launches Local Language Revitalization Program

The Education, Culture, Research and Technology Ministry had launched the Local Language Revitalization Program that ...

Yogyakarta BIN expedites vaccination amid COVID-19 spike in region

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) for the Special Region of Yogyakarta is accelerating COVID-19 vaccination, ...

Most cases of COVID-19 transmission occur among public: Task Force

The COVID-19 Task Force reported that most cases of COVID-19 transmission in Yogyakarta occurred amid the community, ...

Yogyakarta: 171 students, teachers contract COVID-19 so far

As many as 171 students and teachers from kindergartens to junior high schools in Yogyakarta contracted COVID-19 during ...

Jakarta supervises implementation of limited offline schooling

The Jakarta provincial government continues to monitor health protocols in schools during level 3 of the community ...

North Sumatra halts offline learning at 10 schools

The Education Office of North Sumatra has halted offline or face-to-face learning at 10 schools due to the emergence of ...

Most patients in Bogor hospitals' ICUs are unvaccinated

The Bogor City Health Service, West Java, confirmed that COVID-19 patients in critical condition undergoing treatment ...

Bogor yet to contemplate on reimposing face-to-face learning

Bogor has yet to plan the continuation of face-to-face learning at schools, as the rate of local COVID-19 transmission ...

Schools can start implementing Independent Curriculum: Makarim

Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim announced that schools can start ...

Ministry launches Merdeka Curriculum, Freedom in Teaching Platform

The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry unveiled the Merdeka (Freedom/Independent) Curriculum Program ...

G20 Indonesia

RI raises four educational, cultural priorities during G20 presidency

Indonesia will raise four educational and cultural priorities during its G20 presidency, an Education, Culture, ...

Ministry involves children in violence prevention through Child Forum

The Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Ministry strives to prevent violence at the grassroots level by ...