
Collection of test news, found 3.712 news.

PON Papua

Optimal health protocol implementation during Papua PON: Task Force

Head of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Ganip Warsito will ensure optimal implementation of health protocols at match ...

Motul celebrates Golden Jubilee of the iconic 300V

Motul emerged as a pioneer of the lubricant industry in 1971 with the launch of the world's first fully synthetic ...

News Focus

Ensuring an orderly, secure and protected Papua games

Jakarta office has adopted preventive measures by assigning 20 police officers in Jakarta's contingent. The ...

Entikong border security task force arrests man for drug possession

Personnel from the Border Security Task Force Mechanical Infantry Battalion 643/Wanara Sakti arrested a man ...

PON: PLN using SCADA tech to ensure uninterrupted power supply

State-run electricity company PT PLN said it is making endeavors to ensure the reliability of electricity supply during ...

57 investigators failing civic knowledge test bid farewell to KPK

Fifty-seven investigators of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), who had earlier failed the civic knowledge ...

Recruiting ex-KPK employees to strengthen corruption-handling: expert

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo's plan to recruit 56 former employees of the Corruption ...

Sumadi seeks PCR facility at Soekarno Hatta airport

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has asked state-owned airport operator PT Angkasa Pura II to add PCR testing ...

Complying with health protocols a must during Papua games: ministry

Indonesian Home Minister Tito Karnavian has asked all athletes, officials, organizing committee members, and spectators ...

Indonesia increases testing to anticipate third COVID-19 wave

The Indonesian Government has continued to increase testing to anticipate any potential third wave of COVID-19 in the ...

Toshiba starts sample shipments of pre-driver IC for automotive brushless motors supporting functional safety

Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation ("Toshiba") has begun shipping test samples of "TB9083FTG," a ...

Papua PON: spectators required to get fully vaccinated

Spectators attending the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, ...

Medical waste generation up 200% in Jakarta since June

The volume of hazardous and toxic waste or medical waste generated in Jakarta has jumped up to 200 percent since June ...

Offer other options apart from PeduliLindungi app: House Speaker

The House of Representatives' Speaker Puan Maharani highlighted the importance of the government providing other ...

PON Papua

Organizing committee limits soccer spectators

The number of spectators allowed to watch live soccer matches during the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) will be ...