#the biggest market

Collection of the biggest market news, found 49 news.

RI's exports slightly down in November 2011

Indonesia`s exports in November 2011 fell slightly 0.20 percent to US$16.92 billion from the previous month due to a ...

India to remain RI`s biggest palm oil market

India is expected to remain the biggest market for Indonesia`s palm oil exports in 2012. "Based on data, India`s ...

Oz biggest market for balinese garments

Australia was the biggest market for Bali`s garment exports in July, buying 15.28 percent of the province`s overall ...

Riau`s exports to seven main destinations fall

Riau province`s non-oil/non-gas exports to its seven main export destinations fell in July 2011, causing its overall ...

Bali expands market to Central and South America

Balinese entrepreneurs and exporters have expanded their wings to Central and South America selling art, handicraft, ...

Foreign investors still counting on Indonesia

Indonesia still has foreign investor confidence for making investments in the country, Capital Investment Coordinating ...

Kotabaru`s coal exports down in June

Kotabaru district`s coal exports in June fell to US$269 million from US$317 million in May, an official said. ...

Japan the biggest market for e Kalimantan`s exports

Japan remained the biggest market for East Kalimantan`s exports in the first four months of 2011, buying US$3.794 ...

Lampung`s exports to Japan fall

Lampung province`s exports of several non-oil/non-gas commodities to Japan fell following the March 11 earthquake and ...

News Focus: Trade expo to show true Thailand

The Thai government is to familiarize the Indonesian public with various Thai products ranging from fashion, ...

Maluku`s exports reach $24 mln

Maluku province earned US$24.4 million from exporting various commodities in the first four months of 2011, with fish ...

S Sumatra earns $491 Mln from on-oil/gas exports

South Sumatra`s non-oil/non-gas exports in January 2011 rose to US$491.324 million from US$449.200 million a month ...

South Korea is biggest buyer of CN-235 Aircraft

South Korea which has become the biggest buyer of Indonesian-made CN-235 airplanes is a potential market for aircraft ...

ASEAN Summit continuation of US-China economic war

The current ASEAN Summit is a continuation of the ongoing US-China economic war, an observer said. "Chinese ...

RI`s exports to Japan drop in aftermath of earthquake, tsunami

The recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan have affected on Indonesia`s exports to that country during March 2011. ...