#the center for volcanology and geological disaster mitigation

Collection of the center for volcanology and geological disaster mitigation news, found 55 news.

Mount Anak Krakatau erupts, spewing 1,000-meter-high ash column

Mount Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau) in Sunda Strait erupted, Tuesday morning, spewing a nearly 1,000-meter-high ash ...

Official advises people against approaching Tangkuban Parahu crater

West Java Province's Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) stated that despite Mount Tangkuban Parahu’s status ...

Cianjur anticipates impact of volcanic ash: disaster mitigation agency

The Cianjur Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) has taken precautionary measures to anticipate the impact of volcanic ash ...

Mt Tangkuban Perahu's eruption not trigger faults' motions: Researcher

This week's eruption of Mount Tangkuban Perahu would not trigger the motions of Cimandiri and Lembang Faults, a ...

PVMBG warns of further possible Mount Tangkuban Perahu eruptions

The Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) made a statement based on analysis that further ...

Personnel ready to assess Mt Tangkuban Perahu's eruption

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) has readied its personnel to assess the areas around Mount Tangkuban Perahu in West ...

Residents called to avoid dangerous zone post-Mt Agung Eruption

The Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG) has advised residents, climbers and tourists not ...

Mount Anak Krakatau still on standby status

The volcanic activity of Mount Anak Krakatau, located in the Sunda Strait, is still on a standby status and continues ...

Mount Anak Krakatau experiences one-time distant tectonic earthquake

Mount Anak Krakatau in Sunda Strait, Lampung, experienced a single distant tectonic earthquake from Feb 8 until early ...

Ministry intensifies observation on Mount Anak Krakatau eruption

Directorate General of Air Transportation from the Ministry of Transportation has intensified the observation on the ...

News focus - President orders speed action to handle Palu quake By Andi Abdussalam

President Joko Widodo immediately ordered government agencies and Chief Political, Legal and Security Minister Wiranto ...

Ministry acts fast to send team to quake-affected Donggala

The Geological Agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) immediately sent a team to the location ...

Bali`s tourism unaffected by strombolian eruption of Mt Agung: Asita

The Association of the Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies (Asita) believes that the tourism industry in Bali is not ...

Mount Agung`s alert status inflicts Rp2 trillion in losses

Bali province has suffered an estimated Rp2 trillion in economic losses since the alert status of rumbling Mount Agung ...

Volcanic activities of Mt Agung slowing down

Volcanic activities of Mount Agung have decreased since the last two days, according to the Center for Volcanology and ...