#the coordinating ministry for human development and culture

Collection of the coordinating ministry for human development and culture news, found 410 news.

Indonesia calls on Unesco to legitimize 19 cultural properties

Indonesia is striving for its 19 cultural properties in the temporary list of World Heritage Center of United Nations ...

Maxima encourages more systematic financial inclusion in Indonesia

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani said Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, the United ...

Govt finances JKN premium contribution for 92.4 million citizens

The government has paid the National Health Insurance (JKN) premiums for 92.4 million low-income people as part of ...

President Jokowi urges ministers to prioritize addressing sexual crimes

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on several ministers to give priority to addressing sexual offenses, with ...

Indonesia, China agree to establish educational cooperation

Indonesia and China have agreed to establish cooperation in the educational, social and cultural fields as part of ...