#the criminal

Collection of the criminal news, found 2.656 news.

Create international norm to protect children from terrorism: BNPT

The Indonesian National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) pressed for the immediate establishment of an international ...

Social media could likely become key campaign platform: Bawaslu

Social and cyber media could potentially emerge as the main campaigning platform for the 2024 general elections ...

PWI denounces shooting of Al Jazeera journalist

The Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) denounces the barbaric and inhumane killing of Al Jazeera journalist ...

Papua armed criminal group torches senior high school teachers' houses

An armed criminal separatist group (KKB) has reportedly torched the housing complex of senior high school teachers in ...

Employers should pay workers doing overtime on holidays: Ministry

The Ministry of Manpower announced that every entrepreneur or employer is obligated to pay wage to workers, who work ...

Criminal group attacks security officers securing Papua church service

An armed criminal separatist group attacked security personnel securing services at Okbibab Protestant Church in ...

East Aceh police arrest two suspected of killing Sumatran tigers

An official from Aceh Provincial Police has confirmed that East Aceh Police's Criminal Investigation Unit has ...

Indonesian police foil smuggling of 169 kg of crystal meth

A joint team of police and customs and excise personnel recently thwarted an international drug ring's attempt to ...

Indonesia, China to bolster cooperation to combat transnational crimes

The Indonesian government is committed to enhancing cooperation with the Chinese government to tackle transnational ...

LPSK warns human cage case suspects against manipulating victims

Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) official warned suspects implicated in the Terbit Rencana Perangin ...

Police praised for pursuing 2021 civil servants' selection fraud case

The State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Minister Tjahjo Kumolo lauded the police's efforts in ...

Law on TPKS symbol of modern Kartini's fight

The issue pertaining to women and children oftentimes becomes an interesting topic of discussion that draws ...

Separatist group attacks marine post in Papua, one soldier dead

A separatist group (KKB) again attacked the Muara Perairan task force post of the Marine Infantry Battalion 3 in ...

Ratification of sexual violence bill will prevent child marriage

The ratification of the Sexual Violence Bill is expected to become a progressive step toward preventing the increasing ...

Conducive security conditions to expedite Papua's development: Police

Conducive public security and order conditions in Papua Province will accelerate development of the easternmost ...