#the end of this year

Collection of the end of this year news, found 1.430 news.

Agriculture ministry never released its own food data: spokesman

The Ministry of Agriculture has confirmed that it had never released its own food data, considering that all food ...

Fisheries investment concentrated in Java: Ministry

Investment and financing of the national marine and fisheries business continue to increase every year and are ...

Several infrastructure projects to be completed in 2019 by Andi Abdussalam

After conducting intensive infrastructure development in the country over the past four years, several projects have ...

Government provides easy access to tourist destinations along Trans Java

The government is making every effort to provide Christmas and New Year 2019 holidaymakers with easy access to various ...

Jakarta aims to attract 2.8 million tourists this year

The Jakarta provincial administration has set a target of 2.8 million tourist arrivals for this year. The target is ...

Jakarta composite index closes lower in Fed sentiment

The Jakarta Composite Share Price Index (IHSG) ended lower on investors expecting the Fed to raise its fund rate this ...

Year ender - inka to respond to challenges in building highly needed trains By Eliswan

Trains, as a means of mass transportation, are undeniably important in the current era, and this demand is directly ...

Indonesia to build seven goods terminals in border areas

The Indonesian Transportation Ministry`s Land Transportation Directorate General said it will build seven goods ...

Year ender - Trans-Java toll road ready for 2018 year-end travelers by Andi Abdussalam

Several sections of the 1,150-kilometer Trans-Java Toll Road to connect Merak Port in the western tip of Java with ...

Government to carry out massive vocational education program next year

The government is ready to carry out a massive vocational education program across the country based on respective ...

Rupiah predicted to gain more strength until the end of 2018

An economist predicted that the country`s currency rupiah would still gain more strength until the end of this ...

year ender - subsidized kur credit to reach rp120 trillion by year-end by andi abdussalam

In an effort to help small businesses obtain cheap financing, in 2007, the government had launched a subsidized micro ...

Minister predicts state income overshoots 2018 target

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said she is optimistic the state income in 2018 would overshoot the target of ...

Capital expenditure reaches 62.9 percent: minister

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said that the realization of capital expenditure until the end of November 2018 had ...

Finance Ministry ensures budget deficit is under two percent

Finance Ministry`s Director General of Budget Askolani ensured that budget deficit realization at 2018-end can reach ...